LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Vote blue no matter who baby

(Bowman’s primary challenger)

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Hillary Clinton, world leading expert at how to defeat Donald Trump in elections, is here to save us. Thank goodness.


I hope she’s telling this guy to invest a ton of money in Buffalo to really run up his popular vote total.

As much as I might be honored if she endorsed me, I’m pretty sure I’d say thanks, but no thanks

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Some real life Sopranos shit

Little tidbit about being a co-owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer is hidden in the picture description.

I have to agree with him. Saying you love musical theater about politics has to guarantee that you’re insufferable

Except Kennedy was nominated by Reagan.

I think he means Ted Kennedy, the senator, dying during the ACA legislative process.

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Wait, what? How is this LOL dems? Are you choosing to unfairly interpret it to mean he’s saying this is enough to fix all of the past?

It’s an incredible, unprecedented thing he did, and we all know how skin color affects weed arrests, convictions, sentences, and ownership in newly legal weed businesses

There’s not a hooray Dems thread afaik

I’m reluctant to come to this conclusion because I’ve made fun of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene for doing exactly this but…

I think Democrats just need to embrace the social media influencer model of pushing brand awareness first and quality of content second (or even lower down the priority list). The idea of just governing well and winning elections based on your record seems dead. Instead, we’re in an era of permanent campaign. Republicans just push their brand relentlessly.

The biggest problem for Democrats has been that they don’t have a unifying brand other than being against Republicans, to the point where Orange Man Bad may simply be the best message right now. The leftist brand doesn’t win enough elections to be a viable brand. The centrist brand drifts too often into GOP-light territory and most people don’t want methadone Republicanism when they can mainline the real thing without consequence.

That’s because the Dem leadership are all centrists who are just fine with the status quo. They pay lip service to minorities and the poor, but really are fine just the way things are now. The entire culture war is to distract from this and the GOP has been able to capitalize on it to the point where their party’s leader is a racist like Trump

Just about every person on this forum gives a shit about losing democracy more than any of them do. We certainly have more at stake than any of them do

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Truly insane this is legal

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Is there an ETF that tracks Pelosi’s portfolio?

I know of one that tracks Democratic lawmakers generally. The ticker symbol is NANC. The ticker for the Republican counterpart is KRUZ.