LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


progressivism ā€œleft meā€.

Do the brain worms (or lobbyists I guess) get everyone once political power hits?
Someone get AOC in a sealed safety room asap!

It also may be the simple fact that things are more complicated in reality. From the sidelines itā€™s easy to pound the table and agree with the ideologies who align with your world view, but then you get elected and you actually learn the details of the actual state of things and what is actually possible to achieve and what it takes to do and you realize that things arenā€™t as straight forward as people say. But as we see even on here people donā€™t really like to grapple with that. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised if progressives have left him so much as he has a better view of the landscape around them and he sees that he wasnā€™t as close to them as heā€™d thought.

I donā€™t know if this applies to Fetterman, itā€™s just something Iā€™ve seen happen in the world that I work in.


If it was all nuanced like that, then I think Fetterman might have been able to explain himself in a better, more nuanced manner.

Iā€™m gonna invoke Occamā€™s razor cos of that.

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Clearly you have not actually seen the taunting Fetterman does directly in the faces of environmentalists and peace activists

You have not read his actual stated positions

He would take great umbrage with your characterization of events

Like you think heā€™s Aaron Sorkinā€™s West Wing but heā€™s just a much dumber Jesse Ventura flavor of charisma mixed with Paul Ryanā€™s ideology who got broken-clock correct that it was plus EV to have young leftists run an entirely social media campaign in which he himself never actually said anything, and therefore got better results than all the other purple state/district dems who think thereā€™s actual GOP Lite voters who exist in this world at more than a 1 to 100 ratio compared to the base you alienate in chasing your fever dreams of middle ground

This dude had so much smoke pre-election indicating that he was a typical coal rolling racist white bro, but people just love to be ignorant and Dunning Kruger a bunch of Sorkinesque fantasy


Fair enough. Youā€™re right I havenā€™t seen what heā€™s done or read his positions. I tried to convey that in the original post, but looks like I failed.

Needs more hearts. Tho itā€™s been stated in different ways many times on this forum.
[tho I think a 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000 is more likely to contain the ratio]

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I donā€™t know much about Fetterman, but people trying to parse his words and look into his heart probably should focus their energies on people who havenā€™t recently experienced traumatic cerebral vascular events.

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This isnā€™t just a person who recently experienced traumatic cerebral vascular events.

Itā€™s ok being sympathetic to that for one person - absolutely.

This is a person whoā€™s statements and actions will affect many millions and millions of others; many thousands of whom also have problems that will be potentially adversely (or positively) influenced by his statements and actions. What about them?

How much weight should we put to this side here or that side there?

I think itā€™s definitely concerning to hear his thoughts, especially if it may affect how he votes. I just think itā€™s foolish for people to argue one way or another about if his ā€œtrueā€ nature is coming out.

Yeah. Sitting in government buildings surrounded by 80 year olds and having lobbyist propaganda injected via IV drip is the best way to learn the reality of the worldā€¦


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Even if thatā€™s whatā€™s actually going on (itā€™s not) thatā€™s still probably better than reading Twitter.

Heā€™s a frickin senator in the United States!!! Just like Donald Trump was president of the whole frickin place for 4 years. Itā€™s ok to have understanding, but letā€™s be careful where power lies.

Youā€™re concerned for that person. Iā€™m concerned what that person might do.

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Iā€™m not sure why you believe weā€™re not agreeing on the concern about how Fetterman may vote in the future?

youā€™re absolutely right, but no one here wants to hear it.

Campaigning and governing are two very different beasts. Activism and governance are also very different beasts. Each has their place, but failing to acknowledge the differences lead us to the place we are today.

You guys do get that heā€™s auditioning for the role of replacement sinema/manchin right

Is he brain damaged enough to be the No Labels presidential candidate.

Nah, but heā€™ll be a Radical Centrist darling by the time 2028 rolls around, especially if PA is the pivot state in a Trump win this cycle

Like I said, I donā€™t know about Fetterman. But Iā€™m not really even talking about the difference in responsibility and roles between an activist and an elected official. Iā€™m talking about just a base level of knowledge and understanding that increases when you are confronted with policy decisions and you have access to a more complete view of the factors that go into setting the policy.

One example that comes to mind that Iā€™ve seen in the world of Everglades restoration and water management in south Florida, is there is this local guy who is a member of Audubon and diligently attends most of the big planning meetings for the Corps and South Florida Water Management District and he regularly provides public comments on behalf of Audubon. Heā€™s Ernest and passionate and he knows quite a bit about local environmental issues like the harm caused by harmful algal blooms and discharges to the northern coastal estuaries and the ecological
Impacts to Lake Okeechobee from maintaining the Lake at too high levels for too long, but he doesnā€™t know a whole lot about farming. While making comments to the SFWMD Governing Board about the management of Lake Okeechobee, I heard him earnestly suggest that farmers just plant their crops at a different time of year so that they didnā€™t need to use water in the dry season. Like, I could understand how you could be real angry with water management decisions made by officials if you thought that farmers had the option to plant crops whenever they wanted but they refused and just chose to plant crops so that they needed water when it was in shortest supply, but that isnā€™t the reality of the situation. If that guy suddenly found himself in a policy making position and was faced with the decision of whether to maintain water in the Lake for farmers during the dry season or bottom it out to prevent a small portion of discharges to the coasts, heā€™d have to deal with the fact that farms donā€™t have much flexibility in when they can plant their crops, and yeah, that information would almost certainly come from one of the farmerā€™s representatives, but it would also be available to him from the scientists and experts employed by his agency. So when faced with that reality, he, along with most people, would probably moderate his policy position.