LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The cattle industry is huge in Florida.

Heā€™s gottaā€™ sell out to someone, otherwise how will he fit in with the other senators?

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Someone should ask Fetterman, the self-described science bro, for the actual science behind his position.

i like fetterman better than any republican in his seat, but yā€™all didnā€™t see the signs when he was a running as pro-coal? come on now.

I think most posting are just rustled, but not actually surprised.

I understand Fetterman taking the Israeli side on the the war. It makes a certain political sense, but this kind of stuff just makes him seem obnoxious. MTG insulted a Democrat and the other Democrats called her out and heā€™s going to be both siding things when he should be having his colleguesā€™ backs.

Apparently his social media director for his Senate race agrees


I thought this had already happened. Donā€™t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya Joe.

Believe it or not, this might be a good thing. If Manchin is teeing up to run for Senate as an independent it might keep Justice out who is currently imploding but not in a way a Democrat would likely win. Manchin sucks, but heā€™s miles better than Justice.

Justiceā€™s ā€˜crimeā€™?: Heā€™s not paying anyone and doesnā€™t pay anyone and lots of stories are coming out about it

Wait a second. I just thought that was being a good businessman.

It most definitely is not in West Virginia (know youā€™re being sarcastic, but that moves needles I think)

Trump seems to brag about stiffing people all the time because he ā€œwasnā€™t satisfied with the workā€ or whatever weak shit. Seems to play fine among your Trump loving West Virginians. Hell, plenty of the very people Trump stiffed still have gone on the record saying they have/would vote for him.

All Justice has to do is same something like that and he should be good with the R by his name.

Yeah, except thatā€™s not how it works. When Trump is stiffing someone in NY or FL, West Virginians laugh. When the governor of West Virginia is routinely stiffing everyone there who desperately needs that money, it plays very wrong.

I think the one business tenet any company needs to be successful is donā€™t f*** with peopleā€™s money and donā€™t f*** with peopleā€™s OT when itā€™s available. People revolt when you f*** with their money. You might have had too insulated a life to understand this concept fully if youā€™ve never been near your last dollar.

How specific is the ā€œtheirā€ in this instance. I mean he presumably didnā€™t stiff the vast majority of the electorate. Weā€™re talking about like what? Hundreds of people at most? For everyone else, those are ā€œother peopleā€.

I havenā€™t gotten into the full details of anything but heā€™s been getting a lot of press in the last month or so about this. Itā€™s widespread and affecting a lot of people and businesses from my understanding. This will hurt him with voters there, especially if Manchin does run as an independent. Against a random D, he probably still pulls across but this will hurt him.

So, a West Va Trump?

Pretty much

Lol Will Cain. I forgot about that piece of garbage.

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