LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I’m not gonna read any articles about that, but my understanding is she’s running for Ken Buck’s vacated seat and vacating her old seat (has the primary for this happened yet?). So if it’s talking about her current district, as far as I know, she’s not running in it. If it’s about the other district, I didn’t think the primary had happened yet or it made very little news. More surprising would be if that primary has happened and she won it. She was running very far behind there last time I saw a report a few months back.

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I have the same understanding. It’s a poll, released by the dem candidate, of a head to head in the new district where Bobert will likely not be the nominee.

didnt ken buck specifically resign at a time to force a special election in June that boebert can’t run in without vacating her existing seat? so that would give someone else an incumbency advantage in november.

He, along with at least one other, did a very strategic timing I think so seats couldn’t be filled before November, or to be like you said. I’m fairly sure Boebert would have to give up her seat to run in the special election and that she decided not to run in the special election. She won’t win in her current district, apparently, and the other one doesn’t like her either. We’re probably approaching her end.


it’s about her new district, which goes conservative by double digits. headlines like this are going to inflate our hopes way too much, it’s not really possible to win it without a landslide. unless the gop idiotically runs an unelectable like boebert in such a solid red district, which seems to be happening more often than i would have guessed (alabama senate, arizona governor, santos’ special election).

Henry Cuellar indicted for taking bribes from Oil and Gas and Banking interests.


Zero surprise for that clown

I interpret his previous re-election as a sign of weakness from those trying to primary him from the left.

Republicans don’t hold out for that big of a bribe, clearly the dem is better here

Republicans are smarter about getting the no-show job for their mistress rather than wife.

This guy.

What in the ever-loving fuck? They banning tofu next?

Can’t believe how much of a disappointment Fetterman has been.


Bummer thing about life is people in general are pretty stupid, no matter which political strips.

He seems like a pretty solid D senator. I guess people had higher hopes for him.

I don’t know any of the science around lab-grown/replacement meat, but the only people I know who are “against” it are pretty nutso. One of them refused to get vaxxed for quite a while, and eventually very reluctantly consented to the J&J shot exclusively, and only for work reasons. This is a business associate, not a friend, for the record.

i like the one where they have the picture of the clean sterile lab setting and they’re like “do you want your meat from here??1?1!?”…

like that is not the argument you want to be having, throw a picture of a slaughterhouse up there… show us how the sausage or the hotdogs are made…

Neither do the people that are against it. They are scared of what they don’t understand.


And then everyone replies to Fetterman with photos of breweries.