LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“Florida Democrats, who have lost every major election for the last 10 years, warn Biden against…”


Was not expecting Wasserman-Schultz to be on the right side on this:

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) predicted the > amendment would pass thanks to a broad coalition of voters and added that Democrats would “encourage them to also vote for candidates that support” abortion rights. She warned in a brief interview with POLITICO that without electing a strong slate of Democratic lawmakers, anti-abortion lawmakers would seek to gut the abortion amendment against the will of voters.

“We’re going to be able to show voters: These are people that wanted to interfere with your personal private health care decisions,” she said. “They did it and they will do it again, even if you decide that we have abortion rights in our Constitution.”

In general, the problem with the Democratic coalition is that people prioritize specific policies over party.

yeah just see what the shitbags in ohio are doing. they don’t care about the will of the voters at all, if they got the votes they’re gonna ram through everything they can


Voters need to stop with the banana in the tailpipe dissonance, and stop electing people who actively defy their will.

This is where a lot of tiktok information stems from, this guy’s batshit lawsuit.

This is nice. It is not the magic bullet to sway thousands of votes though.

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thoughts on this article and basically dumbing down politics from the dem side? good right?

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What am I looking at here?

Michigan governor

I thought it was some Pelosi AI stuff

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Wait, WAT?

Can someone confirm here?

Someone posted Juiliana Marguiles, and that who it looked like to me.

I thought Caitlyn Jenner just had more work done.


I think it’s one of the real housewives. I swear to God I only know that because my wife is obsessed with that show/those shows.


Whoever it is, are we at least agreed it is not Gretchen Whitmer?

One of the NYC ones, it does look like her

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how badly is the democrat going to lose in boebert’s district?