LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Local government has some non-zero effect on people’s daily lives. I’m sure the fine citizens of Delray Beach would be better of with generic D mayor than generic R mayor (I know zero about the dude who actually won).

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If you have to protect Joe from Dean Phillips that should really tell you all you need to know about whether Joe should be running.

I guess maybe at that point in time there were other more serious candidates who were potentially gonna throw their hats in the ring. I don’t recall.

I’d imagine an election like that is still an open party election even if the Presidential Primary is canceled. That’s just malpractice to not make sure Democrats knew an election was going on, even though it’s possible there just wasn’t any interest. It’s not only a primary it’s an actual election. The good thing about a GOP mayor in a Democratic stronghold is that the GOP mayor will have to do serious work with Democrats, because as you said, when it’s daily life, it matters to the people there.

I have no idea if the City Councilman for my Ward is Republican or Democrat but he has my vote because he solved a nightmare problem for me with my business in time for a move between two neighboring cities that wasn’t being responded to properly. I reached out to him, he got the first phase done the next day after I’d received nothing but pure obstinance from the business license department prior to that.

After it again slowed to a crawl and looked like I wouldn’t have my license by the date I wanted to move my business over, I reached out to him again at night, and had my license the following day with everyone tripping over themselves trying to get it finished. Maybe it will work that way in Florida, you never know.

It’s more like people wanted to protect themselves from being bored to death by Dean Phillips, who was the most serious challenger at the time

A Tampa attorney challenged the decision and asked U.S. District Court Judge Allen Winsor to force the state to hold a primary that would feature Biden and Phillips as well as spiritual author Marianne Williamson and progressive Cenk Uygur.


Jesus what a fucking loser.

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He’s just preparing us for a future without Joe Manchin

Manchin is actually dumber than the MAGA contingency and that is saying something.

Imagine thinking not getting a single republican is the dems fault.

Dude is a total and complete moron.


It’s just argle bargle to get articles written about him.

Still a loser.

It’s a cool magic trick too, because he could always vote for nominees that only have Republican support, because by voting for it, he created the one Democratic vote that he would require!

It’s an FU on his way out.

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Fuck you manchin you piece of shit elephant.



Nice to see good Alabama news


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Seems more confirmation that high information voters have, relatively, changed to Democrat.


jewish democratic council of america is endorsing challengers to Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman. which isn’t surprising as they are major aipac targets as well, including the dude that is running against Bowman having virtually zero other policy positions other than pro-Israel.

but i feel like we’re all old enough to remember the eDems making a big deal about how they wouldn’t support orgs or consultants that publicly endorsed against incumbents… .

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Fuck every one of these loser idiots


If the price of stopping Trump was no state abortion amendments, Congress never codifying Roe, and Dobbs only being overturned when liberals have a majority on SCOTUS, I would take that deal in a heartbeat.