LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It’s okay for Americans to try to swing elections.

Lol there is more going on here than just this. Tiktok should be left alone because the data collecting from a security standoint is mostly a nothingburger but it does matter whether personal information is been collexted in a country that has to follow laws - to a degree at least versus a country that wants to replace you as the world’s superpower.

China literally bans facebook because they couldnt even get the information, from us, to arrest their own citizens protesting against their own speech. We get teen dance videos, they get limited state run propaganda horseshit.

It is the wild west of social media right now, but we are far more lax on what is allowed than they are.

I would focus on whether Dems want to ban TikTok because they believe it’s being manipulated to sway the opinions of young people on Gaza.

Banning a social media company/platform because it might influence the opnion of voters sounds like straight-up fascism to me. Are we outlawing NPR next?

Expect after this law is passed, the sensible business decision for TikTok’s owners would be to sell and move on with their lives, tens of billions of dollars richer. And the 150 million users you reference would be none the wiser.

Of course, as you astutely acknowledge, TikTok’s Chinese Communist Party owners aren’t necessarily driven by sensible business interests and may force things in a different direction.

China can have total opaque control of the most influential “recommendation machine” in the country as soon as all Chinese citizens can Google™ what happened there in 1989 imo

i’m sure they will get a fair price in a government forced divestiture. but also china owns something like 1% of bytedance, you are mostly talking about the usual suspects like BlackRock and others who own 60% of bytedance that don’t want to take fifty cents on the dollar for a product they invested in. and the 20% that is employee owned probably don’t enjoy the thought of getting forced out.

What if a TikTok-focused is the gateway to whatever legislation people want to see applied to Twitter, Facebook, or other social media sites? Maybe we should want to set the precedent that social media is something that government should regulate more.

I’m quite confident Tik Tok is not a gateway drug to Facebook.

Great, Blackrock definitely isn’t letting TikTok shutdown and lose all its value once the chips are down!

Sounds like this whole anti-anti-Tiki-Tok campaign has been a frankenstein Wall Street/Communist psychop.

Maybe people don’t take me seriously when I self-identity as a statist, but if social media causes problems, I want to use big government solutions to those problems.

Dems force sale to Trump appointee right before an election. Even for Dems, what an own goal.


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your statism does not go far enough. as was the case with IRS FreeFile, the government should direct the NSA to develop a free competitive alternative to TikTok.


Why not just do a government takeover?

seizing a corp from a multinational parent has a much bigger impact than we can be aware of.

Govt takeover of what?

Ok, seize Twitter and ban TikTok.

No TikTok vs. No PornHub

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