LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The bill doesn’t even stop Tik Tok from collecting data and rotting your children’s brains! If Tik Tok sells the company to American owners they can still do business from what I’m reading. Pure crony capitalism.

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Is there stuff about Zach Shrewsbury that I don’t know? He seems like the kind of candidate we should be supporting.

narrator: no.


The answer is very clearly no, but that’s exactly the type of person who should be running there.

Oh yeah I’m not saying he has a chance in hell, of course. And I guess if that’s somebody’s reason for why we shouldn’t be supporting him, OK. But I’m saying he has no chance in hell but we should definitely support him and people like him.

Guys have lost the plot. All social media is bad, terrible even. You are exactly right on that.

So it follows that there is no downside in banning social media that is also infused with the negative quality of being owned by authoritarian Communists that are supporting Russia and threatening to invade Taiwan any day now.

Weirdos: America wants to ban Chinese owned social media just because the Chinese government is transparently terrible. Well, America is also transparently terrible so American owned social media should also be banned!

America: um, but we are America so we are not going to choose to ban ourselves. If China wants to ban our apps then that is their prerogative…. oh wait, they already do that.

Just imagine the Chinese army pulling into Taiwan with all the sickest Tik Tok dance moves.

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There is a massive potential downside. Namely, if doing this costs enough votes to give Trump a trifecta again.

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yeah this. the downside is TikTok and Trump messaging that this is the democrats doing and all the youth vote disappearing. that’s a pretty massive fucking downside.

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It’s such a self own before election season.

No downside as a matter of policy, not politics.

And if you believe that TikTok can swing the election if they don’t get their way then you have made the anti-TikTok crew’s point for them very powerfully and strongly.

The contrarian in me wants to take the side opposite Elon Musk and Donald Trump

no one here thinks TikTok the company is swinging the election… so no, it doesn’t make that point at all. we think the people that like and use tiktok will possibly be enough to swing the election. there are roughly 150million tiktok users in the US according to wiki.

the current story is that Steve Mnuchin is putting together a dark money group already in preparation to buy it after any kind of forced divestiture. great win for dems!

I think that TikTok the company is as likely to try to swing the election as of its ownership were Russian or Israeli or Saudi.

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Meta(US) was involved in the last attempts to swing elections along with Cambridge Analytica(UK). who should we force divest them to?

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are you allowed to fund a campaign in gold bars? asking for a friend.