LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Republicans have a few core issues that they are strongly aligned on. Democrats have a lot of issues where a strong majority of Dems agree, but no one agrees on what’s most important and lots of people might agree with the majority of Democratic voters on only 3-4 of their top five issues.

I think a big difference on the right is that they will gladly sell out on their supposed values to get what they want. Evangelicals want a Christian theocracy but enthusiastically vote for Trump, a literal walking, talking sin machine, because they think they can get abortion banned with him as President. On the left we’re (on average) more authetic. When I say I want a more equitable world I really mean it.


People have things that are important to them and not all of them line up with a party or ideology. Evangelicals, for instance, at least the Evangelical on the street, is absolutely all-in on pro-life/anti-choice and there’s nothing else that will determine how they vote. And Trump’s personal feelings on the issue don’t matter. And he delivered for them bigly.

Yooooo these idiots are in so over their heads with TikTok.

Going to alienate tens of millions of young potential voters with this shit.


My god I thought her insider trading ass was retiring

Go the fuck away

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We need a Dee Snyder for the Tik-Tok generation

Don’t forget to tell them to pokemon-go-to-the-polls, Nance. fml.


What do you want to do with your life?



It’s crazy how dumb our politicians are. It’s like a race to see which party can out dumb the other one to lose the general election

Republicans are more results oriented and will accept flawed vessels who will get their priorities done. People.on the left seem to have more deal breaker categorical imperatives.

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I’m at least open to the idea that there are legitimate national security reasons to want to constrain TikTok.

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I ain’t no PB or centrist type, but skydiver, please get heavily promoted in the organization and save these big name Dem fossils from whichever dipshits have been advising their speeches.

Congress voting to ban tiktok just for jacked up joe to veto it and save tiktok would be next level.


He’s already said he’ll sign it if it gets to his desk.

Most incompetent political party in modern history.

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Yep. It’s fucking amazing. It’s the bicycle/stick meme where the dem strategists blame the voters.

Against a bunch of lunatics they still manage to do a good job of fucking themselves up.

but those same reasons apply to all data collection on the internet and social media. meta and elon are definitely selling the same data to china that tiktok would be collecting.

i think everyone (outside of congress and their donors) would be on board with some data protection laws… but this is not that. this is just protectionism of American tech companies over a competitor that is beating them that happens to be 20% chinese owned.


So ban tiktok on government phones. What tiktok does or can do to private citizens has no security concern as they will install tons of other dodgy apps anyway.

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I know you like to take the opposite of everything but come on! Cambridge analytica says hi!

There is zero national security reason for this. It’s just another example of American imperialism. It’s your government literally trying to force a foreign corporation to sell to an American because god forbid anything isn’t run by America.

It’s disgusting.