LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

So he’s going to talk about how Biden is old and senile for 10 hours, which coincidently is what voters are worried about?

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He’s going to be auditioning for Sotomayor’s seat.

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These are votes the Dems could pick up fairly easy with messaging about wages, unions, healthcare, etc. Absurd to not go after such a booming demographic.

I think we misunderstand each other. A “gateway drug” is supposedly something that you take because it seems benign, only to find that it leads to worse outcomes. Goldwater was transparently a hard-right idealogue (also racist) that got trounced. He is more like the time some guy tried to sell me bath salts on a Megabus to Washington.

Interesting discussion on ideological purity. A few good points mixed with some boiler plate Edem shit. Also interesting it’s two black women having the discussion.

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This is going to be a televised audition for Attorney General if tRUmp happens to win.

Man does Gym Jordan tilt the fuck out of me.

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Seeing some R get flustered and argumentative with Hur so I’m guessing this isn’t going how they had hoped?

Sometimes I wish we had a good troll D for these hearings.

Dr. Hur, can you tell us which medical school you attended?

We do

OK thanks. I’m not watching live because I think it would be too tilting

Unfortunately that won’t register at all w normies. It’s just a gotcha moment for people who are paying attention.

Guys we just making Biden feel good to disarm him, he didn’t mean it!

Dems lining up to “ban” tiktok is just such a massive self own. ban is in quotes because i know it doesn’t really ban it forever but that reality doesn’t matter. what matters is the perspective of the young people that LOVE tiktok seeing the dems voting.

Dems rolling over for the Republicans on Tik Tok and immigration is a smart play. Keep triangulating your way to victory! You don’t need young voters!


If they ban tiktok I am voting for rfk jr.

stealing a line from 5-4 here but my phone’s text messaging service barely works because people are constantly using it to try to scam me, Elon is posting Nazi memes on Twitter, Facebook radicalized everyone’s grandma into becoming a COVID truther, somehow the Boomers are mad at Tik Tok.

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Because nothing is more important than sticking it to the commies

Tilts me that people complain about ideological splits on the left without recognizing it’s the same on the right if not worse. RINOs and such.

Not everyone agrees with the 49.9% of people on their side of any division of the population about everything.

Agree. Doesn’t it seem we tend to require a closer adherence to our personal version of some policy than the right? They seem to not care how closely their tent is aligned on lots of things.