LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Leave it to the dems to be neck and neck, at best, with a party that is against recreational sex AND porn.

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just takeover the internet… the internet should be a public utility. i’m fully on board on that part.

It’s a testament to your posting ability that I can’t tell whether you’re serious about preferring an NSA TikTok to a Chinese TikTok


The main problem is that government may not be allowed to keep Nazis off the internet so long as what they say is considered free speech, but I envision the use of third-party whitelists and blacklists to make it so that people can use the internet without every having to interact with a Nazi.

Regulating social media is an idea worth exploring, but simply stealing Tik Tok and giving it to Steve Mnuchin is not it.

What do Dems even get out of this? A handful of Nikki Haley voters and some sweet insider trading deals? A bag of magical beans?


It’s 99% because the median age of legislators is like 62.

They don’t get it at all and have no idea what they are banning or why.

i’m not a statist. i think government regulation is way better than government seizing whole companies. and i say that fully aware of examples where government did seize companies that worked, and also where government decided not to seize and regulations failed. there will be case by case arguments about it at least as long as there is democratic discourse.

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Huge if true

Wouldn’t that mess up all of SpaceX’s contracts?

OK, here’s a good move by the Dems


They’re being TOUGH ON CHINA!

Why can’t Biden be understated and modest like Trump?


GOP should have made it illegal for Dems to talk about their achievements

This. Do we forget that Facebook sold everyone’s data through a uk company? Does tiktok really pose a greater threat than any other social media company?

It’s just racism

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No. It’s indefensible stupidity.

They would have to have some first. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink:

Cambridge Analytica is a UK firm.


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We need more signs explaining where our money goes. I would name Ben Garrison in charge of labeling public works.

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This is 100% why TikTok ban passed.