LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

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These curiously-ordered priorities were on full display this week in The New York Times , as Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin touted the recent confirmations of district court nominees in Indiana, South Carolina, and Texas, all of whom made it to the finish line only after earning the blessing of their home-state Republican senators. Durbin has cast these results as evidence that, when it comes to President Joe Biden’s efforts to balance the federal bench, Democrats’ willingness to negotiate with their Republican counterparts is paying valuable dividends. “I think I have convinced the White House that it is better to get a moderate Republican today than a MAGA Republican tomorrow,” Durbin said.

It is of course true that I would prefer moderate Republican nominees to unhinged right-wing Republican nominees, in the same way that I would rather get punched in the face than shot in the head. What’s less clear to me, under a Democratic administration and a Democratic-controlled Senate, and with an election looming that could scramble the balance of power in Washington for the indeterminate future, is why Democrats are still paying this
much attention to what Republicans think.

Jay Willis

It’s because they have no stomach for fighting a war, figuratively or literally, on American soil. They are willing to appease because they are desperately desiring peace for our time.

And also perhaps due to the fact that judges appointed by Republicans not named Trump wouldn’t steal the election for him in 2020.


Oh, and don’t go in those comments, complete cesspool.

The title of this thread in all its glory. I made it through one minute.

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Made it to “mad sus”

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Yeah, I went a little bit past that just to see and then gave up.

jesus who let whitehouse wear that fucking patagonia vest with a fucking suit??? crime against humanity.


Meanwhile in New Jersey

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Still receives intelligence briefings!

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imagine the right wing clickbait photos and videos of some country we don’t like having armed soldiers rifling through peoples bags and searching them just so they can get on the subway. if it were a photo from china you’d have fox news going “THIS COMMUNISM IS WHAT THE DEMS WANT FOR AMERICA!”

but instead we just have the dem governor of one of the most dem states in the country doing it to her own citizens.

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We’re seeing the continuing trend of non whites moving to the GOP. Pretty much what Shor predicted a couple of years back. Which isn’t good for Democrats.

oh yeah. “big challenge for dems” in a society where people vote with their beliefs… lol. because that’s what republicans are voting on.