LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Does Trump know that?


i wonder how many progressives will conveniently lose their districts.

iā€™m sure Bowman will be the first, considering his new aipac funded opponentā€™s deputy is on the redistricting committee.

What the hell is wrong with NY Dems

I do agree with non compete agreements in the specific case of really high salaried (500k+) executives after a merger or takeover has taken place. If company A buys company B, you donā€™t want the executives from company B leaving and starting company C and bringing along with them all the former employees from company B.

Is there a good public policy reason that we need to defend company A here? Are mergers and aquisitions in the public interest? Are they more important than worker rights?

You must have forgotten that corporations are people and people have human rights.

And letā€™s be honest, the corporations are the best people and deserve the best rights of them all.

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l think itā€™s something along the lines of ā€œWell businesses will do less innovative stuff if some employee can just steal the idea and open up across the streetā€. Whether that is a winning argument or not is a different question, but Iā€™m guessing that is more or less how it will go.

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Mergers and acquisitions happen, they arenā€™t always in the negative interest of the public. Sometimes capitalism works out and a more successful company is in the interest of the public.

Iā€™m trying to think of a situation where non compete clauses are correct and itā€™s pretty much always going to be in situations where something is acquired, that should be part of the negotiations and the acquiring company usually pays a premium so that the acquiree canā€™t just take the money and then form a new company. Having laws against that will hinder any sort of M&A activity.

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Often the higher paid employees in a merger get a retention bonus to stay on for a set period of time with the agreement including a non-compete. That seems good for everyone involved and should be enforced.

To me noncompetes seem on so long as both parties in the negotiation have power and can decide if itā€™s worth agreeing to one.

The real harm they cause is when companies force low level employees to sign them and then use that as leverage to prevent them from leaving/negotiating raises.

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Thatā€™s my point, a blanket ban on non competes wouldnā€™t work for these specific situations. They get their retention bonus, but then would have probably have an incentive to leave and poach all the employees they had previously after 2-5 years or whatever and then compete directly against the company that acquired them.

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A letterā€™ll show him.



just amazing. good old ā€œgo back to where you came fromā€ rant from a ā€œprogressiveā€ dem politician, while taking money from a foreign government.

I think she may actually be referring to the person being affiliated with the Chinese government than being outright racist.

iā€™m assuming itā€™s a continuation of the batshit stuff she was saying the other day. but yesterday it was Russians that were funding protestors. now itā€™s the Chinese that are Hamas. any ceasefire is part of Putinā€™s agenda apparently. meanwhile sheā€™s the one taking pro foreign government money ofcourse.


Except the protesters are from CodePink, who actually DO have ties toā€”and get a lot of funding fromā€”China.

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San Diego Democrats get it done. All it took was a decades-long campaign to flip the city council blue, a ballot initiative to overturn a terrible policy put in place by a one-term councilman turned radio show host (who is now running against my candidate for state assembly), and years worth of lobbying by local unions.