LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Meh, he supports the car jackers right to bear arms. Reap what you sow and all that.



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Seems like a lot of the tech tools Dems use for small dollar fundraising and GOTV have been acquired by private equity… What could possibly go wrong?

This dude clearly fucks


That’s one of the best official Govt photos I’ve seen tbh

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If that dude was straight, he’d be fucking so many women. They’d be lined up outside his office. Guy has peak 1980’s sexual energy.


In 2018, Tyler posted: “Abolish ICE.”

Oh no, sounds serious.

He looks like the dude from Napoleon Dynamite all grown up. The main character’s buddy, I mean.

Not sure what level we’re on here.

Brother imo


Over 9 years, we have found two posts online that we object to. This man is a menace!

He looks like Kip, Rico, and Pedro all rolled into one.


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He’s the senator from New Jersey, not California.


Local Democratic Party fuckery story incoming.

Some background: there is a guy on the county central committee with me who hates my guts. He has some cronies on the CC, and can usually convince them to go along with anything he does. What he does is disrupt, constantly use Roberts Rules to interrupt and slow down meetings, and basically be an annoying idiot. When I run for a committee seat, he will run or get one of his cronies to run against me. When I express something in meetings, he automatically voices opposition.

Why, you ask? Well, to be honest, I don’t know. The dude has never once spoken to me directly. HIs reasons to convince people to oppose me for a committee seat was that I voted “no endorsement” in a contentious Dem vs. Dem race where he was a strong supporter of the more “progressive” candidate. I have tried reaching out to him and he will not speak to me.

So anyway, I have been working for almost a year to recruit someone to run for CA Assembly in our admittedly very red district. We finally found a candidate earlier this week, and had to rush to meet the deadline for the CA Dem party endorsement process, which was due at noon today. We submitted at 11:15 am. When I spoke to the CDP rep, she was so happy we finally had a candidate, etc.

Somehow, word got out that I was managing this campaign, and this dude recruited an ally to jump in at literally the last second. Like, when I spoke to the CDP at 11:20 this morning, this person had not submitted an endorsement request yet. I actually feel a bit sorry for this lady (who is in her 70’s, btw), because she is a pawn, and she’s going to spend a lot of money for a grudge campaign that she won’t win (we have the votes).

Like, if the dude would just pick up the phone so we can hash it out like adults, I wouldn’t even mind the competition, but the shady underhanded way he is doing this, using an old lady, and refusing to see reason, is really making me angry.

Just wanted to vent that my “easy” weekend of setting up a website and working on gathering contact info for endorsement requests is now going to be a few days full of vote whipping and damage control…and we don’t even have our fundraising committee set up yet!


this dude is quite the gigantic asshole

it is frustrating in life how many people are willing to fall on swords for such gigantic assholes, sure lady he calls you literally last second to run for an office you can’t win all because you apparently bought the story that skydiver is the reincarnation of satan.

He sounds incorrigible and the correct strategy, I suspect, is to talk to his cronies and allies and try to flip them against him.

I would also do some digging into his personal life to see if something can be used against him.