LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I love how she parlays “I’ve been doing this for thirty years” and “I won a rigged election” into “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” That’s a Video Daily Double of the Dunning-Kruger effect if I ever saw one.


She was 85 or whatever then

But a pretty below the line as a human.

So she should have retired thirty years prior to that video.

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Her brain was too fried to do so.

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Turns out basically every third party candidate hurts D’s except maybe libertarians (it should be better for D’s with one but it’s hard to tell) R’s just pull the damn lever. D’s usually only win if the person has charisma else R’s have to be in some scandal or are really really f’ing bad.

Just the way D voters are on an overall presidential year level, have to fall in love, or in trumps case pure hate.

A person named Kennedy could be a disaster for D’s, or not depends just how far the cushion in the northeast states are–since I presume there’s some unknown number of voters would just read Kennedy and vote for that cause of the name. Lots of 3rd party votes aren’t going to the other parties tho and are just spite/troll votes.


So a nothingburger by the republicans.

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Never heard of this dude

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well is she going to run for the election is the ? now cause if so all those house reps going for it aren’t gonna like it if they never get a senate spot chance.

Porter’s seat would flip to R without her I presume so that’s not great.

*Silver Spring, singular. I used to live there. The extra s is grating, can’t get past it. Although if I were to get past it, I would not care that our next Senator from California is already in town for the job.

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It’s a good pick and Newsom’s evil genius comes out (running around the back of the progressive wing). Of course she’s gonna run for re-election. Pretty sure the filing deadline is dec 8, so we’ll know soon either way.

Lee is probably going to get CADEM’s endorsement, though. The party delegates, for the most part, are more progressive than the state Dem voters as a whole, and from the momentum I’m seeing from the inside, she’s got a lot of delegate support. Will be an interesting demonstration of whether the party drives voters or not.

I’ve already been hounded by all three campaigns numerous times.

Endorsement convention is Nov 17-19, btw.

King Soopers, Tops, Fred Meyers

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Bloomberg reported in 2019 that Butler, a labor organizer who spent more than a decade as a top leader in the SEIU’s California chapter, had been advising Uber and acting as a liaison in its dealings with unions while the gig worker bill — one of labor’s top priorities — was working its way through the legislature.

She helped Uber fuck over its workers in the fight for benefits, she sucks ass. But hey maybe McKinsey will hire her later? Of course a Pete supporter is in here crowing about how this is a good thing. Slurp those corporations