LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

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Even better:


Ale or stout drinker…I like Pete more now.

Nah Pete’s the kind of guy to order a Guinness at an Irish pub to appear cultured

Also wtf is that scarf

Hah, I was going to post this with no comment just to see the reaction.

scarf is probably some Oxford thing, is my guess. Or it’s just cold. These are nerds, remember.

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gotta be a princeton scarf

It’s an Oxford United football scarf. I think they’re in The King’s Arms.

  • real
  • onion

0 voters

huffle puff?

(Moved to right thread)

Seems reasonable.

He had all weekend and that’s the best he could come up with? Make him resign for stupidity.

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Screenshot 2023-09-25 144246


Didn’t know this


He just really loves shorts I guess


look guys nothing to see here, just a senior member of the senate finance and banking committees who doesn’t trust banks with his money

he has just three, those two and chairman of foreign relations (currently on a break from that for obvious reasons)


the raid was June 2022 he’s had over a year to come up with something and inexplicably didn’t bother

the envelopes the money was stashed in was found to at least have been touched by the alleged briber, which means this guy is a real idiot. ie, if you take a briefcase full of cash, don’t keep the case.

Luxury vehicle paid for by someone else in his garage, the sheer amount of stupidity and carelessness is amazing.

gold bars often are serial numbered, so uh not so great taking those as bribes and trying to sell them at a pawn shop/jeweler. At least he didn’t google, how to dump gold bars and get away with bribery I guess. (even better the photo of the bars was on his wifes phone, amazing)

This envelope also bore DAIBES’s DNA and was
marked with DAIBES’s return address

ARE YOU KIDDING ME dude literally took bribe money and there was a return address on it and he just kept the envelope–well in case this bribe doesn’t go anywhere can I please have it back?

Man, thought fetterman said fleshlight, not flashlight… still would have fit his response.

in other words who doesn’t take out large sums of money from your own savings accounts in envelopes that have the address of your alleged briber on it

Maybe Clay Travis is right about IdPol.