LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“I’ll take any motherfucker’s money if he GIVIN it away”

Bob Menendez takes the stand:


federal not state, but he’s more R than D anyway

Fuck THIS guy too

Dallas is in safe D Congressional districts, so he shouldn’t be doing this because he wants to run for the House.

I’m not a dress code guy but I think they got a point. There’s definitely a difference with it or without with people I’ve noticed overall.

I just hope anyone who tries to rob me hasn’t seen rounders.



My moms might become a Biden fan if he actually does this.



“A half a mill in 20’s like a billion where I’m from”

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Look at the second entry: “I am pleased with the overall direction that the city of Dallas is taking.” It’s just one statement. Who knows what the 1,475 respondents this year were thinking when they gave their responses? But the trend is terrible. In 2014, 53 percent of respondents agreed (some strongly) with the statement. Mayor Eric Johnson was first elected in 2019. That year, something like 40 percent of respondents thought we were headed in the right direction. Since then, the percentage has dropped to 28.

With that terrible trend in mind, I’d like to take you to an interview Johnson did yesterday on The Mark Davis Show , on 660 The Truth. You can listen to it with the player below. The part I’ll focus on begins at around the 11-minute mark.

First, it’s clear to me that Johnson plans to switch parties and run for statewide office as a Republican. That’s why he and Davis are verbally hugging each other, and that’s why Johnson beamed at Tuesday’s City Council inauguration, having gotten both Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to attended.

This was on June 22, 2023

Andy Kim (Congressman perhaps best known for the photo of him helping clean up the Capitol after Jan 6th) just announced a run against Menendez. I’m biased because I know Andy personally, but I’m glad that a serious alternative is stepping up.


What’s he like politics wise?



Honestly, he probably skews a bit too neo-lib for most of this board. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. His work background is in government civil service with a focus on international issues (USAID, Pentagon, State Dept, NSC), and he is more of a technocrat than a blow it up guy at heart. That being said, the rise of Trumpism was a big motivation for him to leave the bureaucracy and run for office, so he definitely gets the current political playing field more than most of the old school Senators.

His current district in NJ (NJ 3) has recently been drawn to be a bit more blue, but it’s still relatively purple. It voted Trump in 2016 and 2020, but under current district lines would have gone for Biden. In his first race (2018) , he took out a Republican incumbent when he was considered a pretty big underdog. He has mainly run on protecting democracy and good government type issues (think bans on stock trading by Congresscritters, etc). His big domestic issue is healthcare policy.

Especially as a Senator, I think he’d be a left of Center eDem, but I don’t think there’s a risk of him being a Mancin or Sinema type who would attack from the right or be the sole holdout who forces concessions to make bills more conservative.


Running on policy seems so 2013.

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I feel like the dude is a police lackey. So makes sense.

lol. I didn’t even know there was a 660 am station, let alone it was called the truth. Mark Davis used to be on wbap 820 which hit most of the country at night, but he has always just been a rush Limbaugh jr.

I suspect the race will focus on corruption (and age/generational vibes - Andy is almost 30 years younger than Menendez), but, yeah, Andy can nerd out on policy stuff with almost anyone, especially in foreign policy areas.

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Lol, I forgot that Trump pardoned the guy who was accused of bribing Menendez in the first trial. And Menendez apparently did some light lobbying in favor of the pardon.

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