LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

That name sounded so familiar, and then…

Of course

Can’t wait to hear how much Schiff loves our insurance


Fuck. Seeing those types of people born in the 80s is so much worse than seeing pro athletes born after Dec 31 1999


Is that guy in the red hat behind Donald Trump and to his left, also Donald Trump.

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Wait until the only pro athletes older than you are golfers

Not that I’m a huge Schiff fan, but this is exactly how to respond to bullshit, IMHO. It’s what the republicans do.

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GOP realizes he’s their best chance at the seat remaining conservative

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is this one of those things where he’s supposed to nominate a republican due to some rule? There’s a lot of weird committees like this.

The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The members of the Commission represent the public interest and are selected from a cross section of educational, communications, cultural, scientific, technical, public service, labor, business, and professional backgrounds. No more than four members may be from any one political party. The President designates a member to chair the Commission.


LOL this is…real?

Wow - a Dem that actually delivers and doesn’t care if that requires angering Republicans by not following norms that they of course would never follow.

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I mean the line item veto is dumb, but finally something that’s fucking stupid and that’s a win.

This can’t possibly be legal, right?

Write a thinkpiece on it.