LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Trump spending any significant (more than a few hours)time in jail would be truly shocking. If there was a way to bet it without basically getting freerolled in perpetuity I would bet against it.

Not sure if itā€™s clear, but weā€™re not taking about Trump. Itā€™s the asshole who choked someone to death on a subway.

Oh well that makes more sense. Iā€™m an idiot

Itā€™s your bet so you should make whatever terms you want, but I think the odds of him being sentenced for time served is pretty much zero. Heā€™s already out on bail, so unless that gets revoked, I donā€™t think heā€™s actually going to have served any time when/if verdict is reached.

Thanks. Like I said, Iā€™m not really following it and was considering doing a deep dive to determine if he spent 10 min in some sort of holding cell with bars that NMW is going to nit me with. He did spend some time at the precinct before he was arraigned. What kind of room was he in? Is that ā€œdoing timeā€? If we donā€™t count that, then yeah, Iā€™m good with the bet.

If he gets sentenced to ā€œtimeā€ that constitutes ā€œtimeā€


QTB on that obvious term

Not ā€œreal jailā€ or whatever sing sing bullshit youā€™re dreaming up

Itā€™s not a tradeoff. The brutal border apparatus serves to keep labor costs down by creating a vulnerable, desperate underclass without rights.

The labor market is not homogeneous.

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Friends, I can finally brag that Iā€™ve done time now

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Australia is opening the migration valve next few years I believe. I havenā€™t read up on it to a great deal but it apparently our new centrist (left of Dems ldo) government is nearly doubling what had been budgeted prior to last weekā€™s government budget announcement.

Edit: easier to do I guess in Australia given we are an island

Can I go down there and drive road trains?

Can we agree that he has not served any time yet? If weā€™re good on that, I think weā€™ve got no problems.


What were you sentenced to serve by a judge?

OK, letā€™s do it. Since we are agreement that he has not yet served any time. Any time served would have to be after the timestamp on this post for you to win.

If youā€™re good with that my $150 to your $50. Settle via paypal.



Wait, does NMW not know the difference between prison and jail?


Do you know what the word ā€œsentencedā€ means?

ETA: asked and answered lmaooooo

Melkerson should declare victory if the sentence is for prison rather than jail

GL. Nothing would make me happier than to pay this one off on a yuuge sentence. Well maybe not nothing, but Iā€™d be very satisfied with that outcome.