LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Who is speaking?

This is supposed to make me love the Dems? Biden was going to release on parole some of the vetted asylum seekers who are already in custody when at the same time they are barring a hundred thousand people from applying for asylum?


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Thanks. I did make an attempt to figure it out, but I gave up after about 15s.

Edited to link the prior tweet mentioning Adams.

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If we just did open borders, how many people would want to come to America? Where would they all live? What would the benefits be? What would the negatives be? I assume for a lot of potential migrants, living in a tent or some kind of slum in the USA would be worth it if they can find work even if it was for cash and less than minimum wage.

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Iā€™d say I give up, but if Iā€™m being completely honest, I gave up ages ago.


Guy at work today told me we are under invasion by hundreds of thousands of migrants after this title 42 thing :harold:

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My stepmom told me this gender thing is a huge problem and I laughed at her and told her to stfu.


Some time in the next 2 decades some county is going to open its borders to many, many migrants and it will reap the benefits.

A place like Canada could decide to take 2M migrants a year and probably manage the process and will be much stronger in 30 years. This is basically what made America great (and land, and oceans on both sides, and lotta other stuff). Spain could do this, Ukraine could do this, Australia, Brazil, etc. But the racism in all countries is what prevents it.


Vote Dems 2024 ā€œWeā€™re Thinking About Taking A Look At Itā€



A county? 2 million seems like a lot every year for a county

Lol, thereā€™s a clear term.

You stated ā€œthis MFer isnā€™t going to do a bit of timeā€ which clearly suggests heā€™s not serving a single day in jail. Now, youā€™re throwing in ā€œtime served [in jail lol] doesnā€™t countā€.

Iā€™ll take the 3 : 1 if the MFer gets sentenced to any jail upon plea or conviction, i.e., does ā€œa bit of timeā€.


So let me get this straight, youā€™re saying if he spends a few hours in a cell awaiting his arraignment that counts as doing time?