LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

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Wow ok, so you want those staffers to be unemployed and have to go on bread lines. Disgusting. Just like all you sexists who didnā€™t tell Strom Thurmond to resign. One thing I have learned over the years is that everything Strom Thurmond did was fine.

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I thought this was going in more of an Old Yeller direction first

I didnā€™t tell Strom to resign because I was telling him to die.

Democrats need to work on lowering voter turnout; only way left wing candidates can win, per ettingermentum.

This MFer isnā€™t going to do a bit of time. Better charging him than not. I guess itā€™s at least possible he gets got.

I figure only an unstucker type would be willing to try this one but if we were in the popular club in real life we wouldnā€™t be on here. Plus you canā€™t out act a true deplorable. Your brain will at some point, pause.

Iā€™m more sympathetic regarding the old person to GTFO

People that have been doing something their entire life like that will fight not to quit. Itā€™s like admitting your life is over and nobody is going to want to do that.

That convo of taking away the car keys Iā€™m not looking forward to at any rate or just do it and hope they donā€™t realize it was you

This is just one of those things you say that you donā€™t actually mean, right?

Like you wouldnā€™t bet this laying three to one, amirite?

Yeah, Iā€™d do that. I havenā€™t been following it that closely, but what I mean is that there will be no prison sentence that he will actually serve. Iā€™m not counting shit like doing community service or if he is held awaiting trial and is given time served. No mental institution either if he whips out some insanity defense. Iā€™m talking real prison.

Iā€™d do my $150 to your $50. Settle via paypal. Quote to book. Offer good for 24hrs. If time expires just offer it back and Iā€™ll likely take it assuming I donā€™t discover something new about it.

Disappointed because I liked Sherrod Brown. Itā€™s not exactly shocking though as Iā€™ve never heard him talk about immigration and America Firster Labor Left is definitely a thing.

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Iā€™ve always wondered why Brown was so popular in OH. I guess this helps explain some of it.

Brownā€™s about as good as you can expect from Ohio, heā€™ll kick off and be replaced with some JD Vance kind of character before very long.

I meanā€¦ limiting immigration is a classic labor party policy. The outlier has been the pro-business party going hardcore anti-immigration to appeal to racism as a trade-off to get stay in power and get other pro-business policies in place.

Yeah. IWW only has 12k members. It used to be bigger though.

new senate vorp leader?

Fuck all these guys and the party they rode in on.