LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

She’s an insufferable fox news zombie and I don’t like her. I don’t let any of her stupid jabs or comments go without pressing or dismissing her. She literally bragged to me that she believes anything anyone tells her and that I could call her sister and she’d back her up. Gullible moron who only believes what she sees on Fox and belly laughs along with Gutfeld! I tell her to stfu often, sometimes with a laugh, sometimes not. I don’t pull punches with this idiot.


I think there is probably a 60% chance he pleas to some lesser charge or the jury convicts on neg homicide and he doesn’t get sentenced to any time. Lots of variables so who fucking knows; no emotional hedge so big double whammy if he walks.


Australia already has ginormous immigration levels. Covid messed with it but before that it was triple the US level per capita and will ɓe again going forward. There is already a housing and rental availability crisis here and we can’t simply build faster as there are constraints on availability of materials and skilled labor.


Does Australia do anything to incentivize immigration to less desirable parts of Australia? For educated immigrants, I’d imagine that Sydney and Melbourne are at the top of the list. At least that is how I personally view it. Once upon a time I thought about moving to Australia, but if it wasn’t Sydney or Melbourne, then I wasn’t interested.

Seems like there are several other urban coastal cities that seem pretty cool.

Maybe. I’m a big city guy. Only other cities I’ve been to are Cairns and Brisbane. The visits were short, but I couldn’t see myself living in them.

I’ve actually never been to Melbourne, I’m just assuming I’d like it based on what I’ve heard.

Sydney was great. I’m sure I got the tourist view of things, nevertheless I could definitely see myself being happy there.

Can you invade New Zealand?

Seems like a raiding campaign would be more cost-effective since they certainly don’t need more land.

Sounds like you should import some materials and some skilled labor

Hello just following up

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A handful of students I taught in China went to Canberra.

Maybe it’s a student-centered city or something but there must be a decent Chinese community there.

Multiple sources tell Rolling Stone that in recent years Feinstein’s office had an on-call system — unbeknownst to Feinstein herself — to prevent the senator from ever walking around the Capitol on her own. At any given moment there was a staff member ready to jump up and stroll alongside the senator if she left her office, worried about what she’d say to reporters if left unsupervised. The system has been in place for years.

“They will not let her leave by herself, but she doesn’t even know it,” says Jamarcus Purley, a former staffer.



Tax prep such a great example of USA#1 being a place where regular people can make decent money but are obliged to spend it all on useless crap so they end up being poorer than people in Euro countries with 2/3 the GDP per capita.

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How would conservatives argue this to the general public, anyway? Are they relying on nothing more than GOVERNMENT BAD derp?