LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It wasn’t just suzzer.

I generally do agree that this board is oddly anti-homeless, but I also want to acknowledge that this board is essentially entirely male and our sense of fear or danger when near someone going through a mental health crisis may be very different from females. I haven’t felt that a homeless person was actually a threat basically ever, but there is some privilege involved in feeling that way as a relatively large young male VS others.


Complaining about homeless people doesn’t make them “anti homeless” any more than typing words on a message board make someone not “anti homeless.”

Strongly disagree.

At the very least, there are more than enough resources to fix many of the problems. America (as a whole) chooses not to.

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The resources are us. How many leisure threads exist on this board.

Quit blaming Satan and do something.

A large percentage of homeless people can be put into housing or maybe vehicles if there’s enough money, but not all of them. Part of the solution is for everyone else to stop being an a****** and just wishing them into the cornfield or putting them in jail.

There is not one thing to be done with them as if they are all the same. And it’s just flat out wrong to treat them all as physical threats when most of them aren’t. It’s just as wrong as doing that same thing to housed people because some of them are violent.

Post on your real account or gtfo.

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Just wanted to say forgive my angst. I know everyone is feeling it right now and I don’t want to add negativity to anyone’s day or struggle.

I personally think everyone here cares deeply but we all give permission to each other to not care in various ways.

All good. I’m not trying to pick a fight either, just saying the problem is much bigger than homelessness itself. The homeless people in some ways don’t deserve much blame because they are a product of a fatally flawed system. That’s why I’m saying I don’t think ANY program directly designed to help the homeless will actually solve the problem. That doesn’t mean I’m saying not to try. But doing things like ending the war on drugs, enacting policies to socialize health care, make housing and education more affordable, etc will have a much greater impact on homelessness than any direct action towards it. Of course we have a massive homeless problem we are doing everything we can to funnel resources to a tiny percentage of the population at the expense of these people. That’s the problem.


I love you despite you not being very pleasant.

These things are close to me in a way that is hard for me to talk about because I need every bit of dignity I currently have just to survive.

I have been filled with a sense of gratitude. Forums often fill me with negative emotions that seem to disappear when I get out into society and start interacting with humans.

I picked up a ham at Kroger yesterday for 59 cents a pound. A 12 pound ham for $8. I just cooked it up. Getting ready to give it to a couple I saw at the stoplight earlier. I can still see the mom’s eyes burned into my memory.

Another day. Another opportunity to do something.


Personally, I don’t remember ever having a threatening experience with a homeless person. I’d also imagine that it would be a hell of a lot cheaper to build some sort of basic housing vs jail and it you’d also help eliminate and satisfy the requests of those who live near and run businesses and have to deal with legitimate issues with having them live right outside your door.

Mental illness is far more prevalent in the homeless population than the general population, and the homeless are far less likely to be properly managing their mental illness.

There is absolutely no question that you’re more likely at risk from assault by a homeless person than a driver, assuming you have daily contact with the homeless.

There’s 200,000 homeless people in Canada and 26 million drivers. I am WAY more likely to be killed on the road by a random furious driver than I am on the subway by a Crazy Homeless Person.

Per capita, assuming equal contact.

Obviously if you never have contact with homeless you won’t have anything to fear.

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Polling at roughly 20% which is absurd.

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I have… a bunch. But most of mine are in a clinical context. I take care of a lot of very agitated and intoxicated homeless people. Only been swung at a few times myself because I give instructions usually, I’m not giving meds. It can be tricky because people can be off like that because they are acutely ill… or on meth. It’s a really tricky workup

Where I work now I have to get a social work consult and can’t discharge to the street. That law is pretty shitty overall imo, as it turns the ER into a homeless shelter sometimes when it should be addressed elsewhere in society. Half the time they refuse a referral and ride to a shelter.