LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

We would first like to express, on behalf of Mr. Dickhead, our condolences to those close to the man he killed. The man he killed had a history of violent and erratic behavior, the apparent result of ongoing and untreated mental illness.

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You need some kind of plan at the national level to fight homelessness.

Decriminalize drugs and turn prisons into homeless shelters seems like the most logical solution.

If California were a country it would be the country with the 5th largest economy in the world. So…maybe not.

Would these “homeless shelters” be voluntary?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to do it in Bakersfield? Will people still want to work at Chipotle if they can get a $800k condo in LA if they are homeless?

It’s fine with me if someone builds homeless shelters in Bakersfield or builds cheap pallet shelters (which they do) or lets people live in minivans. And if the government leaves more of it to non-government agencies (and maybe status out of the way instead of forbidding people from providing food and other services, something that often happens) that could be fine to. Just no cops, no prisons, homelessness is not a crime, people are not guilty of these violent offenses they are accused of just because some other homeless person did something. It’s abhorrent, totalitarian, fascist, tyranny that a class of people are not legally allowed to exist anywhere.

There is no public property for them. These encampments, which are miniscule parts of any city are just the places where, for the moment, the police are the least likely to push people around. It’s the police who decide where they are, not homeless people.

And mostly what’s changed recently has done so because of court decisions, including SCOTUS, that local governments can’t completely not allow people to exist and that’s why nowadays people live in tents where they used to hide in bushes under pieces of cardboard. Tents are a big improvement.


Genuinely curious for the “zero tolerance no-cops” contingent: middle of the night, someone breaks into your home, your spouse and young children are sleeping, you peer out and see they have a gun, what’s your play?

Send your spouse and children to deal with it.

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Wait, do you think calling the cops would do something at this point?


You just let them take your shit and sort it out in the morning. Same if someone comes up to you on the street and points a gun in your face and demands your wallet.

If we lived in a society where people had their basic needs met, instead of funneling all this money to cops and prisons and healthcare companies and defense contractors, there would be fewer crimes like this.



You’ve seamlessly slid from discussing how many of the homeless struggle with mental illness (true!) to discussing them being a threat to you (probably less of a threat than you think).

I assume you know that the homeless mentally ill are much more likely to be victims of violent crime rather than be perpetrators?


When one caller expressed concern about accepting donations from Harlan Crow , the Republican real estate billionaire who has been funding Clarence Thomas ’s lifestyle, Jacobson remarked, “If you don’t want that, this isn’t the place for you.”

Your median person doesn’t care. They are not looking to reason this stuff out, they find homeless people on the subway makes them uncomfortable and then all reason goes out the window (metaphorically, our subway windows don’t actually open).

They are in my house? You think the cops could help?

My dog would try to bite them and I would try to hit them with a baseball bat. If I were more concerned about this because of the world having no cops, I’d have a gun and I’d try to shoot them.

I’d do the same for my neighbors and in a world with no cops, they’d be more inclined to do the same for me…and then the premise would have been less likely to happen than it is now.

If you were homeless, would you go around breaking into people’s homes? Don’t judge until you walk a mile in their shoes yadayada but fairly certain I wouldn’t. That is the disconnect, far leftists excusing sociopathic behavior because of teh capitalism.

I think it’s not so much excusing “sociopathic behavior” as it is empathizing how certain situations and conditions could lead someone towards behavior they may have not previously participated in. If some bad luck suddenly had me living on the streets, sleeping on hard surfaces, wearing the same filthy clothes every day, not knowing when my next “meal” was, not having medical or dental care, braving the elements and so on, I can see how my mental health and state could be affected over time and possibly lead to me doing things that I wouldn’t normally do.


He’s just being rational about trying to protect his family and live in a better world. The obvious rational cost effective and humane approach is fewer police and prisons and more social welfare and mutual aid. The irrational lizard brain and expensive approach is the “law and order” approach.

Lol wtf of course I don’t think I would, though I can’t be sure what my mental state would be so obviously can’t say for certain.

No one is excusing sociopathic behavior, we’re talking about how to best a) prevent this type of behavior, and b) cope with the fact that this behavior will still occasionally exist. Why do you think that cops are the solution?