LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Has anyone even see Dianne Feinstein in the past month or so?

Iā€™d love to hear about your first hand encounters with homeless people.

I saw her with Shelly Miscavige at a tea party three days ago.


You think heā€™s a hypocrite and heā€™s out there choking homeless people to death left and right?


Iā€™ve hesitated to dive into the homeless debates here but itā€™s really odd to me how anti-homeless a certain section of the board is. Homelessness is so obviously a symptom of the myriad of problems in this shithole of a country not the problem itself. Homeless people deserve sympathy not hate and disdain.

Of course there isnā€™t some magical solution to fixing it. It isnā€™t fixable until a whole lot of other things get less evil, rotten and corrupt in this country.


The more people see them and deal with them, the more they grow to resent them.

Easy to be sympathetic and rational regarding homelessness when youā€™re not picking up human shit left by homeless people on the sidewalk outside your home.

I donā€™t disagree with you or anything. I can empathize with people dealing with the fallout of the governmentā€™s failure to address the issue.

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The idea that the people on this board who are the most sympathetic have the least experience interacting with homeless people is 180Ā° wrong.


It does seem a bit backwards to me, intuitively.

Yeah, the people who want to send the homeless out to camps in the desert also want to imagine that anyone who doesnā€™t want to do that has never had to endure the pain of looking at a tent.

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Some people donā€™t like tents. Most people donā€™t like being credibly and regularly threatened by people with a history of occasionally following through on their words.

This describes like a huge % of people that are not experiencing homelessness. High aggression / low self esteem toxicly masculine males are fucking everywhere. I am way more likely to get assaulted in a road rage incident than an interaction with a homeless person.


Maybe they could communicate that experience instead of cheap snipes.

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Assumptions on assumptions.

In my experience, the people who out there doing the work arenā€™t delivering cheap drive by posts in a forum like this.

Put up or shut up time.

Could you kindly point out where any of that happened? Got damn my rage is building.

Itā€™s a really tough issue similar to debates about crime because itā€™s just so all-encompassing of the ways we have let people down as a society.

What gets me about the approach of the super Liberal view on Homelessness is that it feels like saying that public interactions with homeless people can be unpleasant is somehow callous or goche.

As someone who takes the El to work 5 days a week, I encounter my fair share of homeless people riding the train. I rarely if ever feel an immediate threat, but having someone yelling in the middle of the train car doesnā€™t make my ride more pleasant.

We need to be diverting more public resources and help to get people to find shelter who are homeless. They should be getting assistance and help. It is also my firm belief that they should not be able to set up semi-permanent encampment in the Baggage Claim area at Oā€™Hare Airport. That is a public place with a public function that does not include people living there.

The myriad of posts talking about how homeless people are ā€œlost causesā€ and the failure of Democratic cities on this issue? They extend over multiple threads. Maybe you missed some of them.

Iā€™m not trying to take shots as much as point out you guys are addressing the symptom of the real problems as if it was the problem. Better societies have less ā€œproblemā€ with homeless people. Iā€™m not sure that is debateable. Our society here in the US is one of the most cancerous on earth. Expecting the mayor of SF or LA to magically fix that, or that it is even fixable without fixing some of the other issues first, is where I take issue. People act like the policies of the city governments are a failure while ignoring the fact there would be a ā€œproblemā€ no matter what they did because the problem extends way way beyond that.


I mean I agree with you that we should want a society with less homelessness. I disagree that just shuffling them around does anything. I mean even OKC has homeless people at basically every intersection and large homeless encampments. The issue is real and need be addressed. I just think acting like itā€™s solvable at the local level is ignoring how we got here.

Maybe reread your own post?

There arenā€™t enough resources to fix all the problems. Not the ones that most people are thinking of in these conversations.

Human beings will have to give their personal time. Taking shots at someone for giving an honest, human thought every one has on some level despite whatever semantical shell game they are playing in the moment is just a deflection.

Consciousness is infinite and the loss of free will is a scary thing.

But, yeah, completely disagree with your analysis of what Suzzer said.

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