LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Like I’ve said in several posts, the DCCC was absolutely fucking terrible this year. All the support they were supposed to provide never materialized and their messaging and consultants were shit.

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Robby Mook. Sharon, Vermont, U.S. Robert E. Mook (/mʊk/; born December 3, 1979) is an American political strategist. He was the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.


Ugh, and he’s from my state? Dammit.

Yes, we must double down on the centrism that brought us…checks notes…fewer House seats, a continued Senate minority, losses in state houses and a nailbiter for the White House


WTF Kansas?
Revenge porn douche and all-around asshole (but M4A and GND advocate???) wins race with like 3.5K votes.

Critical support

A part of me doesn’t mind because we need more Dems with an LOL fuck you attitude.

That’s okay they can swing left after the runoff. Not much they can do until then anyway. Unless she means never move an inch left until the end of eternity because there is always going to be some election right around the corner.

framing! Messaging!


How many disillusioned left leaning former Facebook/Twitter employees do we have helping with doing the brainwashing on our side?

If the answer is not “all of them,” get the message to Pete or whoever that we need to get on it… Robby fucking Mook… smh…

I dunno, this article seems to be a bit revisionist. Like this:

The Biden campaign’s messaging was all over the place. He completely screwed up the first presidential debate, sounding weak and incoherent. As with Clinton, there was no clear set of things that Biden was telling voters he would actually do for them.

The first debate was a shit show because Trump was allowed to be belligerent and yell the whole time, and Biden got a significant boost after it, iirc. Like, it may be true that Biden’s messaging was all over the place and his outreach efforts to latin communities were half assed, but this isn’t exactly a compelling example. And neither is the fact that he didnt focus more of his messaging rectifying his deportation record with Cubans in Miami.


I mean, all the paycheck to paycheck blue collar people I know (and I mean all of them) think Biden will completely destroy their lives. This was the fraction of the electorate that they were focusing on! How are they this bad at campaigning?

Biden has always been exposed to attacks from the left (including insincere attacks from Republicans). He is known to be “centrist”, which we all know means pro corporate. Biden is really good at chummy howyadoin retail politics, but one insight is that style of politics doesn’t work in 2020. You cant bank on personal connections with voters if your opponent has a message that works on social media.

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I will go ahead and demonstrate my own ignorance here - are there actual historical examples of defeating right wing populism with left wing populism?

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What if the message going forward was simply about the system being broken? No discussion of other issues at all?

Use the last four years, and this gong show election, to argue for major structure change to executive power, senate power, POTUS etc.

This would appeal to the part of the right who hates the system and most of the left who suffered through trump.

It would also have the nice benefit of making it far easier to get other policies through like m4a, labour reform, environmental policy, immigration policy etc.

This article was fine until he started calling Joe “corrupt” - is there any non but his laptopz truth to that? Honest question.

I’m sure he spearheaded that bankruptcy bill for charity. In case you guys can’t tell the results of this election have hurled me back off the Biden train with great velocity.

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I mean, let’s be honest. What the politicians in this country have done to the blue collar workers is a disgrace. They shipped their jobs overseas in exchange for vague and illusory promises of something better.

Yeah, yeah, “competitive advantage,” blahblahblah meow chow, in actual practice that means exploiting cheap labor overseas so tech folks like Tim Apple can earn billions of dollars, while leaving the blue collar folks in the dust.

AND they are correct to be fearful that the same will happen with the energy revolution. Most of the coal and oil workers are just going to get left behind when their jobs go away. There will be no coordinated effort to make sure that they get good jobs in solar, wind, etc. after losing their oil/coal jobs, capitalism and our society don’t work that way. And they have 0.0% reason to trust that our politicians will make it work that way, especially after the Free Trade experience.

So if you want to win them back, you have to include them in your plans. Can’t just say some overarching policy is good/a moral imperative so they just need to get on board, or else they can go fuck themselves.