LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I worked in a call center doing retention for a health insurance company before Obamacare. I can sadly confirm that they were doing a LOT of work with preexisting conditions to cut down costs. You weren’t really buying insurance against chronic/expensive conditions at all. Most of the evil shit I was there for happened in CA too.

Pelosi seems to be an okay to good negotiator but almost impossible to do worse as a figurehead to win elections. At best, correctly viewed as a SF Cadillac Liberal. At worst, viewed as a dangerous radical socialist by the other side without any of the upside by messaging the positives of that image to our base.

Believe Hakeem is an eDem corporate schill too but I’ll take the trade.

Unfortunately, I suspect this thread is going to get a lot of action moving forward.


This is thread 1 of 200 probably.

So pretty much everyone I work with is sure that Biden being elected will result in all the refineries and chemical plants in America being shut down. And it’s not just the rank and file, multiple companies are basing hiring decisions around that belief.

Of course the industry is hurting anyway, demand is way down because of the pandemic, which will probably continue for another year or two. It just doesn’t help that everyone is crazy.

In conclusion, running the centrist because republicans would call Bernie socialist was a nonsense strategy from the beginning.


Having now worked on a campaign in a red district, I am more convinced that this article is correct. I just have no idea how to overcome it.

Our bubble isn’t a progressive bubble, it’s an ideological bubble.

Seriously we have a lot to learn about persuasion from cutting Facebook in half and examining their entrails.

“Oh. It’s brainwashing. Cool.”

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Yeah once psychology gets ‘better’ and starts actually telling us how to accurately target people’s real weaknesses (and let’s be clear this is what FB has been searching for since its inception) there’s no closing pandora’s box again. I think we should tell the truth when we’re doing this to people, but we definitely shouldn’t not do it. It’s the future of sales/marketing/politics until we figure out how to prevent it from happening… or you can just lose every single contest you entered.

This crap had 72o politically and it fought us to a standstill just now. It’s adapt or die time. If you give it 25% more substance it opens an absolutely massive can of whoop ass on us. Many of us have lost friends to this shit. We can’t let a bunch of monsters be the only people doing something super powerful.

If steroids were legal and you played baseball for a living you’d have to shoot them up unless you were literally Mike Trout. We have to beat the fossil fuel lobby in ten years or less. We don’t need Ken Griffey Jr we need Barry Bonds.

This is basic political psychology. What exactly is the problem you are trying to overcome?

How do we flip districts with more Rs than Ds in them? If they are just always going to vote for their team, I mean.


Invisible ink pens.

Make the election a personality contest devoid of serious policy debate. Use opposition research to manufacture scandals around your opponent.

One thing this election shows is that voter turnout can be increased.


This thread is worth a read.



hahahahahaha how in the world is Robby Mook still a thing?

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Please refer thread title

Serious question: What is a Robby Mook?