LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It would be sick and savage if we somehow got to like 56 seats in the election and got four of those jokers to take ambassadorships or cabinet posts so we didn’t have to nuke the filibuster.

On the other hand it would give Feinstein and Manchin immense power to block something if we were at exactly 60. DiFi for DNI or something?

(She was a crusader against our enhanced interrogation programs.)

I’m fairly sure DiFi is going to get pressured into retirement over the next few months by the eDems. It’s long overdue, and she humiliated herself in the ACB hearings. She was never that great at her job, and now it’s becoming publicly obvious that she’s as senile as the GOP’s wishful thinking about Biden.

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I mean, this is a black comedy bit. Also I read this while having morning coffee at gf’s house, drove the 20 mins home and went to post it for you guys and, well, you can see what happened down the bottom there.



Let’s state the obvious, if the Democratic party could jettison any/all of their ‘core principles’ into the sun to replace the Republicans as the dominate conservative party they would do so in <1 second.

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It goes both ways for sure. So, let Mitch keep the leadership position if he flips parties? (Just a hypothetical. It doesn’t look like he has long to live.)

Mitch probably yes and maybe eventually most Repubs, but I think a lot of them are loyal to their party/ideology and more or less drink the koolaid.



Wasn’t her deal that she would be speaker for one term? Like I remember Connor Lamb and others running against Pelosi during their campaigns, then voting for her to be Speaker on the condition she hand over the reins after one term. Yeah, that was always probably bullshit, but you’d think someone would at least mention it.


The DCCC was terrible, and I mean absolutely terrible.

They would take days to approve anything they were paying for (like texting campaigns), to the point where the lists were out of date and would need to be resubmitted. They had to be browbeaten for promised money and support. This wasn’t just for our campaign. This was across the board. We got more help from other congresspeople’s PACs than we did from the DCCC in the end.

I know she doesn’t really run the DCCC, but yeah, something needs to change.


good so we can go ahead and go for M4A then if no one gives a shit about Obamacare.

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Seriously I know way more people it was a dud for than I do people whose lives were saved by it. And that’s why it’s not popular. It helped a small group a whole lot while making things a bit worse for everyone else.

The reason the gop couldn’t come up with their own healthcare plan is that the ACA is their plan.

The Republican dream HC plan is - people are required to pay premiums to insurance companies, insurance companies tell sick people they’re ineligible for coverage. ACA is slightly better than that, but a few biased SC rulings away from being exactly that.

The insurance companies already do their part to stop paying claims. The ACA plan is to wag fingers at them and have the same kind of token enforcement that happens with things like securities violations.


Totally agree.

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Denying claims you should have paid is probably the most important part of running a health insurer since Obamacare arrived. It doesn’t help that private equity firms have setup doctor networks and pop up ER’s that don’t take any insurance at all explicitly so that they can rob every single person who comes through their doors.

If we ever did a real public option (which will never happen because they’ll limit it the way they’ve limited medicare wrt cost) it would turn into single payer pretty much the second round of open enrollment after the good reviews about cost and provider availability came in.

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Yeah thanks to Trump I feel like Secretary of the Treasury Warren can just be acting Secretary of the Treasury Warren indefinitely. I mean it was fine for the last 4 years why not the next 4?

Honestly we really should be looking to strip the Senate of any powers they don’t constitutionally have because of tradition or some other bullshit like that. Fuck that whole chamber.



lol, amazing


Yep, unless you both have pre-existing conditions AND know you would be denied because of it then the ACA feels like a net negative, potentially a big one. Ds deny this feeling for partisan/big picture reasons and Rs grossly exaggerate the feeling for the opposite reason.

The beauty of the Insurance Companies’ scam pre-ACA is that vast majority of people had no idea they were being freerolled via denial for pre-existing conditions.