LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I’ll just leave this here


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Most progressive administration in history


Surely there’s a place for Colin Powell


Secretary of Unjustified Wars


Meg Whitman is not a good or competent person and shouldn’t be welcome managing much of anything. Seriously, usually when you see a career with that much failing upward it’s a white dude with roman numerals after his name.

Must be a job interview Hall of Famer.

Charlie Dent is very anti-online poker.

Why is anyone here believing this?

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Maybe because Kasich spoke at the DNC this year


Whitman as well I think.

I mean that’s all fine, but this is clearly a media drop to try and dissuade Biden voters. Like, you think Biden is having meetings to discuss who he wants running HUD after he’s elected?

I do think biden will want someone who isn’t a full blown dem on the team just for a different viewpoint but yeah yikes and LOL at anyone discussing any of that shit now. I’d fire them into the sun.

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Yeah this exactly

I don’t think the POTUS sitting around with the Cabinet all putting their heads together on a wide variety of problems is a very accurate picture of what happens in many/any administrations. It appears like it might be that way if you don’t actually see who spends time with the POTUS - and that’s exactly what it would be: appearances. Biden will want to be someone who appears to have some Republicans in the inner circle. Maybe the real inner circle will include some, maybe it won’t, but the Republicans for appearance sake still end up on the Cabinet, running departments like Robert Gates did.

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Sorry, they’ve got John Bolton penciled in for that.

I have no problem with Biden selecting a couple of Republicans for his cabinet, as long as they’re off this list, in this order:

Ron Johnson
Richard Burr
Pat Toomey
Pat Roberts
Jerry Moran
Mitch McConnell
Rand Paul

Chuck Grassley

The more the merrier, as long as they’re from that list. Bonus points to the first person to figure it out. The gap in the list is for a reason.


Toomey is retiring anyway but otherwise ok. Fuck it, let’s just offer Mitch ambassador for life to whatever tropical island he wants in exchange for him retiring and the Dem Governor of Kentucky getting to pick his replacement. Never happens, but we can dream right? The key is probably figuring out which Republicans are most just in it for the grift and buying them off.


I assume the gap is so the pidgins can safely fly through?


The top list has Democratic governors who would appoint a replacement, some would get to stay for 2 years before a special election.

Grassley is just in a state we could win the special.

Right, like Mitch would say “Lol fuck you.”

I think Ron Johnson takes it cause he might lose next time anyway and Toomey takes it cause he’s retiring and this would pay him more and keep him around without electoral consequences.

I’ll take the seat for 2 years and get to run an incumbent, though.