LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I think this needs to be framed in a populist way, i.e the system is broken = the system has been hijacked by the few at the expense of the many and the many should be mad as hell about it. Trump figured this out earlier than the eDems which tells you all you need to know about the eDems.



Joe is openly pro big business. “Corrupt” is probably the wrong word, I agree, but I think thats what they’re getting at.


I mean, I don’t know how I’m just remembering now but it’s completely true that the Ds are against the economic interests of rural communities. At a previous job, there was a massive industry divide between the economic interests of rural and urban communities. And Schumer was fighting like hell for NYC at the behest of his lobbyists and Grassley was fighting like hell for the rural states.

Most effective way to work for a 2024 victory might be to start working for Ted Cruz’s nomination.

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I think the front runners are Cruz, Hawley, or Cotton. Cotton and Hawley are more formidable than Cruz. I could see Noem making waves as well.


OMFG get out of the way.


Lol at anyone who thought she might

I’m beginning to think that forced retirement for anyone over 7x may be the best way forward.

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Forced retirement? I’ve got a better idea, you ever see that Star Trek TNG episode with Major Winchester from Mash?

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Simple rule for dems. Nobody over 65. Period.

Bring these back, IMO.


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Got to laugh at running on “specifically repudiate ‘defund the police’, ‘socialized medicine’, ‘anyone energetic’”… losing … and then complaining about defund the police, socialized medicine, and energetic personalities.

I mean I’m not going to say embrace them, but Dem leadership are just fossils on autopilot of lefty bashing when losing even when it makes no sense


Democrats have more senators over 70 years old than under 60.

Which is a huge part of the problem.

I tried to look this up, got a pretty good chuckle.


Like, it really doesn’t take much in the way of resources to give someone over 70 a pretty good life, but having all our federal decision makers be old af during this transformational period is nonsense.