LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Reward? I canā€™t find any polls, but I expect the residents of every city would be against hosting either of the national conventions.

Hmmā€¦interesting idea.

Do you know if there is any data on that? I know some people definitely donā€™t want their city to win Olympic bids. Not sure about this; you might be right.

I sure as hell donā€™t want Los Angeles to get another Olympics.

I looked for polls on political conventions and couldnā€™t find any.


Las Vegas 50/50

(I stole miocrobets avata back in 2006 (?) got a decent stake dealā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My understanding is that sex workers, especially male ones, do great business when the Republican convention is in town.

Hopefully, this will be like when they got Al Franken to resign.

Lol Matty and Josh.

Maybe Gavin should have thought a little bit harder in 2018 before endorsing an 85 year old against another Democrat.


It is amazing, is it not? Republicans who aspire for higher office bend over backwards to appeal to the absolute nuttiest sub-corner of their base. Meanwhile, Dems in the same spot do the same thing but for their blue-hairs. Just unreal :weary:

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Just lmao at the idea that they didnā€™t try forever to avoid making it public

That dude abbreviating ā€œshouldā€ is making my ears turn red.

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FWIW, Kevin de LeĆ³n (for whom I voted), has turned out to be a pretty big piece of crap.


A piece of crap who shows up for votes is an upgrade.


Updateā€¦ So, maybe weā€™ll get some judges?

Speaking of judges I saw that the fifth circuit had someone announce retirement months ago but no one has been nominated still, is that correct and if so why not and is it because lol Dems?

If the nba can implement a 65 game minimum for awards, congress can implement a minimum to vote or die.

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