LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It can’t be passed via reconciliation so it needs a filibuster-proof majority.

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neither of us know that for sure, and filibuster carveouts happen because it’s all calvinball all the tjme.

Dems nuking the filibuster for this and not doing it for the laundry list of other things that could have been done would be peak Dems.

Dems have followed the solid strategy (if we assume not full blown corporate sellout) of eeking out tiny pragmatic gains and then just kind of hoping for some kind of magic to make the country noticeably better for the non-rich, non-white, non-cishet etc

I mean I don’t disagree but it’s at best 1 step forward 2 steps back. Things like Obamacare and the Biden era bills are unquestionably (mostly) good things. But incrementalism hasn’t gotten us anywhere and I’m very skeptical it ever will. Doing the small pragmatic things often puts these issues on the back burner for decades while the GOP chips away at any gains and then some.

Of course having the Dems make small pragmatic gains is better than nothing in the short run I suppose.

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If we look at where some actual progress has been made, things like gay marriage and marijuana legislation, it has largely been done by people doing ballot initiatives who gave zero fucks about what the other side’s propaganda said about them. We were supposed to be marrying dogs and devolved into a drug riddled hellscape by now if you believe the GOP bullshit about those issues.

Instead we have real progress because some brave people were actually willing to take the steps to do something. Meanwhile in the last decade being gay is now much more acceptable. Smoking pot is much more acceptable. Most people have forgotten or pretend to have forgotten the horrible views they held. The country is undoubtedly better off because of the progress on those issues.

The Dems haven’t really learned this lesson to just do the good thing and ignore Fox News yet and it’s a shame.

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In some areas I agree and in some I don’t. What the people trashing AOC et al for this don’t seem to understand is that Democrats getting blamed for a work stoppage that causes population-wide inconvenience and suffering while also increasing inflation is a political disaster that would cause far more damage than the deal that was agreed to.

don’t seem to understand


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I’m not really sure I agree. At some point you have to stop worrying about political damage and do the right/good thing. The Dems have spent decades trying to limit political damage while the other party laughs at them and has gone full open fasicst and the Dems have almost nothing to show for it.


This. Playing the game is completely lol (and the point of this enjoyable thread)

Sorry for snapping @anon38180840

I’m just sick of Squad stans and Dem apologists going “children, you do not understand [opinion presented as fact]” when the people are intimately familiar with the details of that opinion


I can make a good educated guess.

In this spot, I think it’s fair to assume that not blocking a strike is very likely to lead to a recession that a Republican-controlled House will not pass a relief bill for. Depending on what ethical theory you operate under, that affects what one considers the good/right thing to be.

7 sick days a year ought to be a right for all workers as a matter of legislation, the Dems are just hiding behind the arbitration agreement here. In Australia all workers accrue 10 days of sick leave per year for full-time employees, or pro-rata for part time.

IDK if this has been posted yet.

THE 45,000 OR so residents of Dunn County live off on the western side of Wisconsin, not far from central Minnesota, but not close to much of anything. Like other rural counties, it leans heavily Republican, going by double digits to Donald Trump in 2020. This year, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., notched a 14-point margin there, and Tim Michels beat the incumbent Democratic Gov. Tony Evers by 9 percentage points.

But when it came to health care, Dunn County voters said they would support a national health insurance program. The overwhelmingly Republican residents of this farming community approved a ballot measure that affirms their support for a single-payer public health insurance program. The idea, which passed 51-49, ran 11 points ahead of Evers, who was reelected statewide, and 16 points ahead of Senate candidate Mandela Barnes.

The Dems won’t run on this stuff because they don’t want to do it. I continue to think we are maybe 10 years away from a realignment where the GOP are noticeably more left-wing on economic issues.


I agree 100% but the time to do it is not on an issue that helps 0.045% of the population (double it or triple it if you want to include their families) at the risk of hurting 99.955% of the population if there’s a work stoppage.

Do the right/good thing on voting rights/democracy reform, healthcare, immigration, guns, LGBTQ rights, education spending, taxing the wealthy… Absolutely, 100%, just do it and let the fallout happen and run on doing good things.

And as you know I’m often one to trash them, but we should be trashing the Schumer’s and Pelosi’s of the world not the AOC’s and Ilhan Omar’s, and we should be far more upset about the issues that impact millions and millions of people that the eDems do nothing on than this.

Like, the railroads and the politicians (and to an extent the population by not caring) are definitely fucking over the railroad workers, but we’re talking about 150,000 out of 330,000,000 people not having paid sick leave. 27,000,000 people still don’t have healthcare. There are 10,000,000+ undocumented immigrants stuck living in the margins. 50,000 people die from guns every year. Railroad workers make around 25% to 50% more than the US median income. Should I be more upset about their lack of sick days than I am about the slew of American workers making significantly less than them?

Also, they did collectively bargain the deal that’s on the table, right? And the one before that and the one before that and so on… And none of them had paid sick leave. And they should certainly have paid sick leave, but maybe the real reason they’re in this situation is that they traded it for more money? I dunno. Surely there’s a trade off that would have gotten them sick leave. Perhaps it’s good strategy to negotiate for everything else and then make a lot of noise about no sick leave. People are going to be more sympathetic of that than if it were just about money.

These are two very different groups. I’ll stick up for the squad, who are in the top 3-5% of elected Dems in Congress, rarely will I make apologies for establishment Dems. Like at the end of the day, if AOC etc sold out, we should all just stop following politics whatsoever because there are literally no good guys.

Bernie was Tweeting positively about the separate bill. AOC may not be 100% right on every issue, nobody is. But she’s fighting for the working class the overwhelming majority of the time, and probably doing pragmatic things she thinks will advance her chances to fight more for the working class when it looks like she’s doing something unusual.

I’ve been beating that drum louder than anyone here for a long, long time. The eDems are corporate sell outs who don’t actually want to pass good bills most of the time because the only constituents who really matter to them are their corporate donors and wealthy individual donors.

But I’m not defending Nancy Pelosi ITT tonight, I’m defending AOC. Big difference.

I agree but there are tons of American workers not getting what should be basic workers’ rights. If people want to rant about this because it’s the next straw on the camel’s back, I get that. But to say this is the thing that proves that the actual progressives aren’t actually progressive makes no sense.

My points really have nothing to do with AOC. I just think there is this idea in the Dem party in general that has paralyzed them for our entire lives. And that is that seeming reasonable is some viable path to power and then later we can do the good stuff that Fox News sees as unreasonable.

I mean we can’t really deny that the Dems at the federal level have led from behind. Obama was against gay marriage. Marijuana is still a schedule 1 drug as of today when Biden or Obama could have solved it.

This idea that this time we cave and then we can fix this stuff later is exactly why this country is pretty much last in the developed west on basic human issues like clean water, education, health care, workers rights, etc. Decades have been spent waiting for it to seem safe to move on these issues. And they have been wasted. We are now paying the price for that.

There is never going to be some magical time where making progess on these issues seems safe to entrenched Dem losers. Maybe it’s cowardice. Maybe it’s purposeful. It really doesn’t matter.

Yes, fuck his dumb ass

Hes good a lot but not always


Why do you all assume that everyone to your left worships Bernie

Bernie is a salesman for the Democratic fundraising machine. That is his primary function above all else, by a large amount

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