LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Criticizing someone Cuse admires = baseless trashing

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I think itā€™s worse, I think the eDems are just corporate shills who donā€™t actually want to do the good stuff.

Yeah I think on social issues they tend to play it safe, often as in Obamaā€™s case for personal gain. He didnā€™t want to take the risk, Iā€™d be shocked if he wasnā€™t personally in favor of it way before he came out in favor of it.

So to you two, the list of good members of the House or Senate is: ?

Literally none?

the current edem wing tried national healthcare twice. the first time in the nineties, single payer became a nonstarter for everyone, and thinking too big arguably cost that particular opportunity. obamacare went the other way, with 60 votes or 59, they ultimately went with a modest set of nobrainer programs because they expected to eventually build on it. well that started to crack in a different way, although to its credit, itā€™s still going.

is now a third chance? maybe. with election margins that thin, iā€™m sure iā€™d be making mistakes left and right. but itā€™s fairly obvious biden administration has been putting social spending provisions into multiple other bills, and working both economy, climate, and apparently labor issues at the same time. although of course i agree that they need to use ballot initiative results as very strong signals instead of shying away.

so itā€™s still incrementalism, but itā€™s rather half-empty to convince yourself democrats just donā€™t want it.

Why is it important for people to like politicians or shocking when they donā€™t?

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sanders famously didnā€™t raise jack shit for the democrats until he stopped pouting about 2016

heh, what if scotus just refuses to hear it?


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If the DNC isnā€™t paying you already you should definitely try to get a paycheck. Clown

If we just had one fighter for every 10 dudes who like to jack off about ā€œpolitical realitiesā€ weā€™d actually get something done in this country for the poor and sick


you know thereā€™s a good chance you as a kid or your classmates were covered medically by CHIP, which means you benefited from it by being around healthier people. a program that was created out of the wreckage of comprehensive healthcare reform. it costs virtual pennies in taxes per year and to date reauthorization has only been vetoed once (eta: looks like twice actually) by bush.

Well I like to think itā€™s a more informed view (and of far more societal relevance) but whatever maybe they are similar. This is ā€˜lol democratsā€™ though.

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population-wide inconvenience

Really canā€™t be doing with population-wide inconvenience.

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In my experience with the entertainment unions, the ratification vote is usually a rubber stamp. People generally just accept what their leadership recommends. Leadership generally campaigns strongly for the deal they made. Thereā€™s usually a vocal minority saying ā€œthis deal sucksā€ but nobody listens. The membership getting together in a relatively short time to reject a deal their leaders made and are pushing to approve is a big statement.

Another possibility is that the takes on this forum are coming in to the left of AOC Omar, Bowman, and Bush, and perhaps things are not quite as bad as we perceive them to be.


Here we go! Back to your regularly scheduled lol dems programming.

Half hope we just default at this point. Rip the bandaid off everything.



This is the correct conclusion. For this, and a litany of other issues, voting harder just doesnt mean shit it doesnt matter.


jfc, when keeping it real goes nowhere.

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Should change your username to VoteForā€™Socialistsā€™