LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

if this is real we’re fucking doomed

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Most people just aren’t as far to the left as most of us are.

A lot don’t realize that there is a better life to be had out there. They assume that what they have is the best because America #1. They either remain oblivious to those alternatives or are horribly misinformed about them.


They all voted for it in a separate bill.

Whose result will be the same, and they know this

Oh wow party leadership taking something that’s supposed to be bundled together, decoupling it, and making promises about the eventual result?

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Probably? But the unions seem to be thanking them for getting the vote on it, so maybe it’s the best they can get and they know it. Or maybe they have some tricks up their sleeve. Unless you think the unions are selling out their own workers?

At any rate, AOC, Omar, Bowman, and Bush are just about the last Dems to criticize. If they’re selling out the working class, it’s truly a completely and entirely lost cause.

One thing that would be great to understand about all this is who were the 8 unions that voted for it and who were the 4 that voted against it? What are their sizes? Was it, for instance, track repairers against and conductors for? Are the unions regional so that say South was for it and the Mid-west was against? On the face of it, it looks like the dems were craven, but I don’t understand the issue enough to be sure.

Yea let’s not criticize the reps who were explicitly elected to serve the working class. We can’t do two things at once after all.

The four that voted against it are more than half of the workers involved, but the biggest one SMART TD was less than 51% against.

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I think leadership reached a deal, but it still had to be ratified by membership, and it wasn’t.

Union leadership negotiated a deal that was rejected by some of the union membership. I don’t know enough to know if it was a fuck up. I don’t know the vote count for most of the unions.

I think that roasting has come in the form of the vote to reject.

So is Bernie Sanders a sellout too, or is there some other reason you’re trashing most of the squad and ignoring that he supports their approach?

And has anyone considered the possibility that in a 50-50 Senate, Bernie (or possibly Bernie, Markey, Warren, and Warnock if they need to account for a couple GOP votes) can force the 7 days through?

I don’t expect anything to happen without 60 votes.

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the deal is essentially what the arbitrators and the union leadership was able to squeeze out this time. which would be a win in any decade except this one. it’s okay to bank some gains and try to get sick days some other way, even if that takes time. in fact it a good opportunity to raise the sick days issue for every worker, and not have every union fight for it in every cba.

why? i know reconciliation is a running joke, but if the issue was some $$$ to cover paid sick days, it can be done.

Admittedly the tweet from SA was re: the house votes. But yeah speaking for myself ugh at Bernie supporting this approach but then again one can’t expect total leftist ideological purity from any elected representatives, sadly (especially not Dems). This is SA’s view too - in Australia SA call the Socialist Party (most left wing electoral party here) imperialists for even campaigning to be elected to Parliament!