LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I don’t know anything about Jeffries but I am instantly suspicious of a hand picked successor.

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I wouldn’t say he’s a hand-picked successor so much as he is the only obvious candidate who has enough support to win a vote within the Democratic caucus. The alternatives are 83-year-old Steny Hoyer and 82-year-old Jim Clyburn.


At least he’s not 100


Having a black man as House minority leader may trigger MAGA Republicans immensely.

thought this would be more of a celebration thread posting wise now that pelosi’s taking a backseat

she did a good job whipping up votes at any rate

She’s likely being replaced by someone who seems more antagonistic towards progressives and especially the Squad than Pelosi ever was. The rumor was that a few cycles ago, AOC was looking for someone to primary Jeffries.

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Go with your gut

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well, what he said was spot on. Bashing dems is the thing progressives (at least on this forum) do more than anything else in life. He also mentioned the stuff they did they want and yet they still get bashed for it


@mosdef it gets worse—@wheatrich is stanning for him

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“Extreme Left” … he may as well just go the whole hog and refer to them as the “Radical Left” to remove any doubt where the eDems really stand.

Probably not as much as Pelosi tbh.

they are going to make an obama out of him, but it won’t work quite like that.

Jeffries is awful

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Delicious idpol a dem (and Republican) specialty

This guy is laughably corrupt

Incredible they haven’t gotten rid of him yet.

Al Franken blah blah blah

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Yep, thats why i said in the election thread, lets get him out now so he doesnt fuck up a safe seat in 2024.

Remember when this guy was the face of poker legislative advocacy? lolz


The graffiti was apparently in support of Native Americans