LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Ah, yes, another shining example of a moment when a politician forgets that they aren’t (supposed to be) an activist anymore

so gop be like “conservative politicians lives matter”, and dems response is “akshually all politicians lives matter“?

How is nobody else able to do this it isn’t that hard


Damn, it’s almost like they swapped him with his anger translator.

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Man they should make this dude President!

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maybe he should run for senate. just saying

It’s so easy to do this.

The problem with this stuff is that Obama’s actual policy history is too much of a mixed bag for this to land with all of the Dem base. To his credit, Obama did apply some surtaxes on the wealthy, but Obama also tried to cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%. The fire and brimstone stuff is good because politics is fundamentally emotional, but the Dems are perpetually handcuffed by being the only party that cares about reality. The Dem base is too likely to know that Obama is chummy with the corporate overlords so them this stuff just goes in one ear and out the other. Only Bernie truly had credibility on the Fighting Billionaires rhetoric.

I don’t think so, sites like Vox have a big audience of people that care about actual facts.

My guess is that Obama polls at over 90% favorability among Democratic voters.

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Maybe but most of those people are always voting blue anyway. They’re not the target audience for this.

Who, in your estimation, is the “dem base”?

Its a huge group of diverse interests. That’s why I said “all” of the Dem base. A big part of the Dem power structure are the kind of Pursuit Of Knowledge Vox types like Ezra Klein, and they control alot of the tone of the public discourse. In particular, the media voices that ostensibly oppose conservative propaganda media are dominated by “hold on a minute here, what is Obama’s actual policy record” types.

Anyway, its not like I think its a terribly bad thing for Obama to whip up a crowd. I was just pointing out the double standard - when Donnie Dumb Dumb whip up a conservative crowd with absurd lies, the conservative propaganda arm just amplifies the lies. Dems often get caught in a self defeating cycle of always defending their actual positions and records because their various constituencies are much more reality-focused.

Dems get prissy about not copying Republican tactics because they build their self-image around feeling morally superior to conservatives. This, demagoguery is something they disapprove of coming from the left because they see that as a right-wing tactic. They are themselves as rational people and Democrats as the party of reason, so they disapprove of using modes of persuasion that don’t appeal to people like them.


Written by Adolph Reed in 1996


come on man


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