LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I dunno, it might be science

trump signs are mostly gone here too (even last year there were some up)

except one

the guy next door from me sigh

$45 billion more than Biden asked for, A+ guys

How did we miss this?

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Back into the safari:

“Is there anything that you think the Republican Party does that is off-putting to Latino voters?” our moderator asked. “Is there anything about the way Democrats talk to or talk about the Latino community that turns off Latino voters, in your view?”

“When Trump said Mexicans were rapists — even though he probably didn’t mean all of us — it still left a bad taste in my mouth. You know, a lot of people clapped for that. So I was like, ‘OK, that’s how it is,’” one participant said.

“When the first lady referred to us as unique as breakfast tacos, that kind of stands out in my mind,” another participant said, referring to Jill Biden’s remarks this year at a conference for UnidosUS, a Latino civil rights group.

Several of them said neither party really spoke to them in a personal, informed way.


I kind of remember that being a brief thing at the time.

fucking democrats are so fucking dumb, the GOP has been broadcasting that they’re going to take the whole country hostage using the debt ceiling and democrats are just gonna let them do it


this is why we lose

yeah. there’s TOO MUCH civility. her precious institution is fundamentally broken, has lost all credibility to the outside world, and the thing she says about one of the architects behind the destruction is that he knows the clerks names?

well, the outside world doesn’t know what the supreme court is

like who would even know, a few europeans who know too much about politics and that’s it?

poor choice of words on my part i guess… i mean the outside world as in the world outside lawbro circles that drone on about stare decisis and institutional tradition. basically everyone outside of people that would go to a talk by sotomayor. (disclaimer: i have been to multiple talks by sotomayor).

No you’ve got it all wrong. He knows whose wife is dying of cancer and which clerk’s kid is a resident at Shriner’s Hospital. He knows serious things. Things that people struggle with.

Sotomayor went to Princeton and then Yale Law School. She’s been operating in circles where decorum was the expectation, no matter what, for quite a long time. Which isn’t her fault, it’s just how the system is set up.

Princeton bros bunch of punk asses while playing drinking games though ime

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that’s a media thing. We say the top one ALL THE TIME. The bottom one is the message the media pushes, rather than reporting that Democrats are saying the top one.


democrats are too boring, that’s boring

some R’s learned they will repeat it if you say something batshit insane also the base likes it

Uh oh!

lol what a fucking moron