LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Lmao “personal decisions” like dumbass 18 year olds taking on predatory, non dischargeable in bankruptcy loans with a higher apr than car loans?? This is some textbook I got mine fuck you stuff. Have some empathy good god.


We’re not talking about dumbass 18 year olds in general. We’re talking about Jman. He went to law school. Are these loans from when he was 18? I’m supposed to have empathy for Jman here? Can you read? Can you understand the difference between Jman’s individual situation and his choices and public policy?

This is also funny coming from another very rich person. Do you also have debts that you’d rather not pay while you have a shit load of money?

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i support loan forgiveness as a stepping stone to set the expectation the gov’t will be tasked with paying for education. but

  • i don’t love that those who worked pretty hard to pay back loans ahead of schedule are essentially at a disadvantage for forgiveness. it won’t change my vote in the general, but i can see it being a wedge for some percent of people like me.
  • i like even less the fact that those who are in school now, or just out of school, or going into school next year, are going to be left waiting for another pandemic/biden to get some relief.

having said that, i’d cancel debt under and over 10k for those who have gotten behind on payment for several years, whose accrued interest is much out of proportion with the principal, who are burdened with risk of bankrupcy, or simply had other financial shit come up (kids, house loan, medical, grad school). that money will allow them to be more productive, and likely contribute more in taxes for far longer than whatever they have left on their terms.

Yeah I’d guess like Jan 1

It wouldn’t be hard to just direct refund all payments since X date under the threshold.

Very easily done if they felt like it. They just dont.

Why the personal attacks?

I wasn’t an asshole to anyone who wasn’t an asshole to me first.


Being an asshole at all isn’t like you normally (that’s my wheelhouse); I don’t know what’s happened.

If someone’s an asshole to me, I’m often an asshole back. Maybe it doesn’t seem like me just because people are normally so nice to me.

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I’ve already repaid most of my loans so fuck all of y’all. Wouldn’t give you a drink of piss of your guts were on fire…


We catch a favorable tax loophole on jpegs for 2022. That should bump me into a Zenith panda I’ve been eyeing and I’ll suspend the hard feelings.

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Dark Brandon is about as real as twitter lawbro takes and mueller she wrote.

An old Irish proverb: “Only a fucking idiot does solvent.”

Old ikes or new ikes?

Posting with slightly less grace than normal isn’t being an asshole.

“You used a FNC talking point therefore your argument is deplorable” is bullshit. I must have missed where anyone got called out for hating on Pelosi or agreeing with the validity of the MAR search.

Adding photos of FNC fuckbois is downright insulting.


Welcome to the Captains, Funcrusher!

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Serious answer to your ridiculous right wing attacks though is that I worked in the public sector as part of the PSLF program. I do not owe that debt. I did not receive some blanket forgiveness, the Trump administration was denying what was promised to me on a stupid technicality written in such a confusing manner that none of the lawyers on the plan that I knew caught the issue either. The forgiveness was/is a benefit of my employment. Why don’t you start donating some of your disposable income to the government, deadbeat?

Unlike you apparently, I support blanket loan forgiveness for everyone. College should be free.


So you’re telling me that the govt trapped a bunch of big brained future lawyers with a “technicality” AKA the rules of the plan? LMFAO.