LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


i define socialist as someone who votes/governs to benefit/provide services for society. you know, shit like roads, schools, hospitals, pollution cleanup, and human rights. i wouldn’t care which party got to put M4A into practice, as long as it happened.

she’s amazingly pragmatic. caucus chairmanship notwithstanding, in 20 years you are going to think she’s pelosi.

You seem to be missing the point. I’m just suggesting you not call her your “babe.”

ah, i see. my rep. i was just being cute because i read the whole “my dude” derail in another thread earlier.

Allow me to refer you to my earlier work ITT, I called her an eDem Lite months ago:

Right, I figured that but “my babe” != “my dude” imo, although I’m not sure anything does, which may be why a lot of younger women now call each other “dude.”

idk in my mind “radical centrists” are more like ikes while iron is more of a west wing lib a.k.a. “shitlib”

now y’all are just playing identity politics

yeah that’s right

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Lawrence Summers has apparently been reading Microbet’s recent posts on this topic.

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Sounds like they have their student loan restart compromise plan.

10k cancelled if you make less than 125k then can start the machine back up.

I mean, ok? I guess?

Of course doing nothing about absurd costs and federally guaranteed loans?

This is just going to dRiVe Up DeMaNd. You absolutely hate to see it.

A drop in the bucket for most recent graduates.

I think with the highly likely loan restart it is a poorly handled political negative. I assume they’ll at least be smart enough to restart post midterms.

Any amount is going to upset some people, why not push the limit and do a large amount? Where is Dark Brandon?


It’s best to think of Biden as your standard boomer grandpa who knows how to keep his real opinions quiet at Thanksgiving.

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Why don’t YOU pay back your debt? Do you also not pay taxes? The problems with means testing have nothing to do with your personal decisions. You have the money. You can pay it back all on your own without causing any collateral harm to people who are less able to pay back their loans.

Post all the Hannity and Carlson pictures you want. The problem is that they are describing a whole class of people as if they are all like you. But you actually are like you.