LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I’d settle for Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn fucking off forever.


that’s a really incredible speech that precisely states my frustrations far better than i can, but i kinda hate hearing him speak for some reason, thank you

Wasn’t sure where to put this, but I guess it fits with the idea of Dems and how they relate to the youths.

Especially curious for thoughts re: how much of this split reflects actual political leanings vs how much could be the result of views about the specific word “liberal”.



There’s always been a gender gap in partisan identification. I would guess that liberalism is identified with “wokeness” a lot and is seen as appealing by young women, but doesn’t turn off young men as much as some might think.

Only 44% of women 18-29 (and less for men) identifying as liberal, means the alternative is largely not conservative. That is reflecting people who consider themselves “leftist” or something as well. Like, no way a majority of youngsters are conservative or right-wing.

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The source they’re using seems to have three choices: conservative, moderate, liberal.

Shrug. I think “moderate” is filling a lot of gaps there because a lot of people don’t like the term “liberal”. Only half of Dems in total identify as liberal.

Something to be said for honesty.


Young women don’t have yambag podcasters teaching them to be regressive incels.


Leftists who completely refuse the label of “liberal” are probably in the 2% who declined to identify as liberal/moderate/conservative. I think they are more likely to choose “very liberal” vs “moderate”.

Gallup measures Americans’ political ideology by asking survey respondents whether their political views are “very conservative,” “conservative,” “moderate,” “liberal” or “very liberal.” Because relatively few people categorize themselves as “very” conservative or liberal, Gallup reports the results in three summary groups – conservatives, moderates and liberals.

This probably explains why the Democratic Party is the way it is:

By the time the bill was up for debate during a marathon series of votes, Sinema had already forced Democrats to abandon their carried interest tax increase.

“Senator Sinema said she would not vote for the bill … unless we took it out,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters last week. “We had no choice.”

I mean he could at least dress it up a little bit and pretend like they’re even trying to stop this shit. “We had no choice” is exactly what you’d say if you were in on it or had a choice. Recall that it wasn’t long before this when he gave a statement saying they had no idea if she was on board and hadn’t talked to her. Yeah super believable turn of events.

Kelly’s VORP is super high when you consider the other senator from his state. Not only that — he’s up for re-election in a purple state. Him saying stuff like that doesn’t really bother me.


Yeah, I’ve lost a good bit respect for Kelly, still has a high VORP tho (I say unironically).

on one hand, yeah, if he wins, it hardly matters how he wins. but otoh, kelly is one of few democrats who could probably go on offense more often than they do. i am not just talking about spaceman and military rank. he could be out there spitting fire about assault rifles, and political extremism, because of the tucson shooting. yet, he’s probably too good of a guy to lose his temper like that sometimes. in poker terms, he should broaden his range somewhat.

Unless I’m uninformed here, Mark Kelly’s voting record is perfectly fine for a D senator in a purple state. I don’t really care what fake platitudes he gives to the other side as long as he continues to vote well and gets re-elected in a few months.


Kelly probably one of the next in line for killing filibuster reform in the miracle case where Dems keep the House and take 51 Senate seats.