LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

the speech is amazing and talks about a bunch of great things that the government could do to help people, which is probably why a GOPete loyalist thinks it sucks


Sinema wasn’t tanking this bill either, people were just being idiots again

they did have to gut the taxes part of it though for her and her pals but we kinda knew that going in

Looks like it’s just Bernie blocking it now


No way Bernie blocks it.

He’s already a yes

Yes but considering it might be the last piece of Democratic legislation in our lifetimes it doesn’t really come close to meeting what is required of the moment.

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Yes! It’s actually good!


It is good if we can actually spend the clean energy money. My worry is the fossil fuel provisions kick in up front and then some combo of lol Supreme Court and the ‘25 Republican government short circuits the climate provisions so we don’t get the full benefit. This is yet another piece of legislation that could really use court reform to solidify it.

I’m going to need to see reporting that Manchin is on board with the changes.

I love you, man

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well they had to take out the taxes for sinema’s rich as hell pals but

they got in stock buyback tax, those were some bullshit so that’s something

you’re not going to get a perfect bill with this senate makeup on about anything but there’s good things in here

It would make no sense that he back tracks based on these changes. He has his win for WV coal and everything else he cares about.

would have to be quite the public backlash in WV for him to do that at this point I think

which they’ve got 36 hours

even fox news is going after manchin a bit so we’ll see

lol stock buyback tax that’s so stupid but whatever

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Not stupid at all, you must be confusing it with a stock buyback ban.

Right now, dividends and stock buybacks are functionally the same thing but buybacks get superior tax treatment. 1% buyback tax just evens the scales a bit.

TIL a hiking town hall is work

The bad stuff is in the next bill right? What’s to stop a few reasonable Democrats from tanking that? Is it just going to be so corporate friendly that Republicans will vote for it?

You mean the House version?

Now that the Senate has approved the House progressives should say they will only vote yes on the bill if leadership promises no vote on changing fossil fuel permitting or make clear to leadership that repealing any permitting changes are the price of debt ceiling voted in 2023.

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