LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Most people will self-identify as “moderate” even when their views are not, in fact, “moderate.”


radical centrist

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I mean most self-identified “moderates” are just a weird mix of far-left and far-right positions.


meh, when calculating VORS I really have zero interest in dumb shit they say on sunday shows that nobody watches

I can’t think of a better category for @iron81 . Maybe West Wing Liberal.

I think the definition of a radical centrist is a regular centrist who doesn’t shut up when pushed from the extremes.


radical centrists have been pushed too far by the radical left, who want such insane things as affordable healthcare and education

i’ve come to respect centrists in a way, even those who radically advocate some right wing positions as a way to incrementally move … forward (:face_vomiting:). i am not super familiar with all of @iron81 positions, but i do appreciate that i probably don’t know the depths of how every rogue agency works (e.g. ICE, CBP, DOJ, and even CIA/DOD) and it is clear that Biden the Centrist probably does. and the grinding crawl to untangle the hard-line GOPniks installed there is going to be maddeningly slow, with compromises and even setbacks along the way. but that is the curse of such a huge and powerful bureacracy as teh us gov’t.

Implying that centrists don’t want those things has made me a little more radical

I implied no such thing - what I implied was centrists usually go into histrionics about the insane things the “radical” left wants, which usually boils down to things as I just mentioned.

that right there is a histrionic lie.

Centrists are usually the people preferring order over justice that MLK complained about.


haha what? have I been hallucinating the 14 articles a day blaming progressives for any and every political failure of the last 2 years?

all by centrists? gmafb. it is the job of left and right “extremes” to pull the center more to their side. the high asks are a negotiating position. yeah, the centrists are going to negotiate down what you want, sometimes to the tunes of trillions. that doesn’t make them nazis.

comparing centrists to those who don’t want justice is another example of histrionics, and the entire order vs justice is a false dichotomy in the 2020s, because politically the percentages changed since 1960s.

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Pretty sure it’s still valid. White people are still hella afraid of social unrest and want cops to stop black people from being so uppity.

OK centrist

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Black neighborhoods also want police. they also want black people policing black neighborhoods, and they want jobs in the police department as social mobility avenue.

militarized, radicalized, and unaccountable police does allow racists to become police and perpetuate the oppression, but by itself it is a different problem from white people being afraid of poc.

You could have just typed police.


oh man, you totally skewered me. i’ll have to change to VFCentrist now

People want change, but only if it’s done in an orderly fashion with minimal transition costs.