LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I agree with this, I think they’re fighting a massive uphill battle against broad ignorance and racism and well funded propaganda.

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Not to criticize your point at all, but I hope “Uvalde cops” doesn’t become an expression. It’s just cops. They took 3 hours to get into the Pulse Nightclub and they were at the door of the hotel room in Las Vegas for over an hour before they went it.

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I know what you mean, but constantly calling cops “Uvalde cops” is good branding. All Cops Are Bad is arguably less effective than calling all bad cops Uvalde Cops.

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To me “Uvalde cops” makes it sound like this was some kind of fluke of bad policing. It was standard. These were ordinary police in Uvalde, not especially bad police. All Police are Uvalde Cops. APUC.


There should be a comic book or movie or TV show or something where the premise is “the Punisher”, except instead of his family being killed by the mob, his family is killed through the inaction of “Uvalde cops” and he becomes a vigilante who goes after bad cops.

Yeah, that’s why I’d like to see people calling all cops that behave badly Uvalde Cops. It provokes a really visceral reaction now.

I would split the difference and in a small sample size this has worked in political discussions I’ve had… “If the cops in Uvalde didn’t go in then, how can you really expect cops/security/whatever solution they’re offering to go in and risk their lives in whatever setting is being discussed.”

Have used it against hiring more cops to prevent mass shootings and hiring more security guards in schools, malls, etc to stop them.

“All cops are too scared to act,” sounds extreme

“Uvalde cops were the bad ones,” undermines our side.

“If the cops in Uvalde wouldn’t go in to save kids…” makes the point that all cops are Uvalde cops but in a way that sounds less extreme.

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Don’t worry, there’s always next week.


And here we were all worried that Sinema was gonna tank the reconciliation bill

Doesn’t matter, so long as he votes for the final bill. This probably actually helps because someone like Manchin is more inclined to vote if it is something that Sanders professes to hate.

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gotta trust my gut on these more

What were the good years when you guys were proud to be an American and our political and economic system was functioning properly?

1993 is the best i can come up with.

When I was 6 in 1979 and didn’t know anything about government or the economic system. Seemed pretty good to be an American then.




I was having a good run in the late 60’s till i ate the brown acid.

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The ones before I grew up and understood how our political and economic systems actually work.

Just coming off the invasions of Iraq and Panama?

Why do you hate freedom?

“proud” is going too far. I don’t recall ever being “proud” to be American and being proud of something you have no control over is pretty ridiculous. As recently as the politics forum on 2p2 though I would get defensive sometimes when I felt like people from the UK were going out of their way to be critical of the US, so maybe I was a little bit. That doesn’t bother me anymore.