LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Wait, I thought it was refusing to vote in the general?


But how will my donation be matched 40 zillion percent?


This little turd spook needs to be safely kept in a room for observation and certainly nowhere near the presidency.


Levin, who is Jewish, was forced to defend his record on Israel-related policies against attacks from supporters of Stevens, who has been more hawkish on the issue despite not being Jewish. A super PAC affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee spent $4.2 million on ads boosting Stevens and hitting Levin

Completely fercockt

I wouldn’t lose a lot of sleep over the possibility Pete becomes President.

I think I agree with this.


AOC made this same point a month ago. Wonder why it hasn’t happened.

Also, part of this pledge needs to include court reform.

They’re peobably afraid it might anger Republicans.

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The easier answer is that a large chunk of the Dem politicians don’t want to do it.

Yeah but the interesting question is why they don’t want to do it. We know why Republicans don’t want to protect abortion rights - some of them think abortions are Baby Murder, some of them just hate women and want to see them suffer and some of them are just indifferent but happy to partner up with anti abortion activists in exchange for tax cuts.

Most centrist Dem types don’t actively hate women. But they’ve got a chart on a PowerPoint slide from an expensive consultant that says that if they fight for abortion rights they’ll lose some seats. It’s annoying hollow corporate style management from people that are willing to reduce peoples’ rights to data points. It’s pretty hard to rally a base around that, and ultimately kind of ironic that their mealy mouthed half measures probably damage their electoral chances more than going against their consultant’s advice.

I honestly think they just don’t have a personal connection to the issue. They all know if they or their kid has an unwanted pregnancy they personally will have access to an abortion. Truly think it’s that simple.

More fundamentally, they’re just not confrontational enough. They want congress to be a social club. How many 75+ year olds do you know with the energy and drive to fight?


This is what I mean when I say they don’t want to make Republicans mad. Also, it drives them to aim to win elections for the purpose of winning more elections, and not driving through legislation when they have a chance.

I think the why is actually that they don’t want to nuke the filibuster because it protects corporations from legislation benefitting labor and poor people, and the establishment from having to explain inaction on those issues.

Imagine the world after they run on codifying Roe, pick up a few seats, and nuke it for Roe:

Angry Voter in a Town Hall: Why won’t you pass $15/hr?

eDem: We don’t have the votes.

AV: You have 54 seats!

eDem: It requires 60.

AV: You codified Roe at 54.

eDem: That was important.

AV: And what are people like me?

Rinse and repeat on every issue.


No argument here. I think that’s all part and parcel of the eDem package. They just want to win elections and they want to support their corporate donors and their basic value proposition “Nothing will fundamentally change but we’re inoffensive”. Republicans not only don’t hamstring themselves with a commitment to be inoffensive, they actively win votes with a program of offending the libs. Dems need to be way more offensive. If you’re pissing off deplorables you’re probably doing something right, not something wrong.


yeah codifying it is irrelevant if SCOTUS just undoes whatever they don’t like

Establishment Dems are afraid of political disorder and social unrest. They have it in their minds that there is a right way to do things and they don’t want anyone rocking the boat and creating chaos.

They correctly understand that their way requires an opposition party that is reasonable but just refuse to believe that Republicans are completely lost because they’re just not prepared to face that situation. I think it’s also crazily idealistic to believe that if Dems just do things, they’ll smash Republicans into oblivion.

There are irreconcilable differences in this country and at some point elections won’t contain the conflict and people will seek a continuation of politics by other means. I would like to get to that inevitable stage with Dems in power, however weak they might be.

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Dems are the Uvalde cops of politics. That charade works as long as the catastrophic depantsing event doesn’t rip the curtain away. Can make a case they should be singularly focused on preventing this situation from arriving and yet here we are. The best part though is that you’re never gonna get a “haha, you caught us.” Instead we get scapegoats, doctored tapes, false statements, calls for moar cops and moar cop money.

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