LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

if predictit has this at 70%+ on going through im slamming all in on the no

ETA: damn, bunch of sharps out there, it’s 65c.

Search, “lol democrats” scroll scroll scroll, Reply, long press, paste, send.


one thing I really love about our campaign is that we haven’t had a fundraising consultant until basically now, so we’ve never sent out any of these texts, nor have we sent out any of the “we’ll lose our office if you don’t give $5 by midnight” emails.

Our emails are substantive campaign updates with a donate button at the bottom.

Since I’m basically the only staffer right now, I get to tell the consultant what to do, and I am telling them to not send this bullshit. I love it.


Is there any way you can quantitatively determine which strategy yields more contributions?


I haven’t done it yet for this campaign, but based on my previous one, i can generally state that for recurring/repeat donors, the hair-on-fire, “we need money or we lose our office” emails work best. It’s tragic and I hate it. But it’s true.

New donors? That’s trickier. You usually need a big share on social media or some kind of local news/media appearance. Also, Facebook ads are very effective and comparatively cheap.

Ideally, you should have a database of information about potential donors that you can use to figure out which approach will work better on them and tailor fundraising messaging to their biases.

Let me guess…Dems aren’t working to build such a database.

For example, this tweet yesterday to my 1400 followers and one twitter community netted $200 total from new donors, which isn’t much, but for a state senate campaign, it’s actually not bad. The tweet got 1040 impressions and 55 interactions.

I don’t have access to Joseph’s twitter account, so I can’t tell you if/how many new followers he got yesterday.

Oh no, our consultant has all of that info and more, at least for San Diego and a bit of LA. I’m actually really glad to have them on board so I don’t have to do all this shit.

I had a disagreement once with my dad and it turned out he was thinking of something on The West Wing.

So if I understand everything correctly, what what on West Wing doesn’t actually happen at all. Everyone just stays in their jobs by default when the incumbent wins and if he wants anyone to leave, then his Chief of Staff will let them know.

That seems way more logical. I always thought that scene was kind of silly, but I too assumed it was real.

When you’ve lost meullershewrote you’re in some real trouble.


Doesn’t seem like Sorkin totally made up the cabinet resigning thing. It’s seem like a real, but loosely followed, tradition.

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The downfall of edems everywhere.


With Leahy not running for re-election, has anyone thought about who will be president pro tempore of the Senate if Dems hold?

I assume it will be Patty Murray. No goddamn way can you put Feinstein in that spot, even accounting for LOL Dems.

They’re not wrong about anime avatars.

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I didn’t realize Addison is #2 in line behind Grassley for the Rs. I assume they’d pick someone else if Chuck buys it first but that’s… something.

Anime avatars is the poker screen name of twitter

So she’s backed off telling people they need to call rape victims and cancer survivors if they have concerns about Biden’s student loan policies?

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