LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The Democrats aren’t going to win the House, we don’t need to pretend that will be competitive.

I don’t want to fight with you anymore though, you aren’t the enemy, so best of luck and I’m bowing out.


Of course they won’t if you and others like you won’t vote for them

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538, your link for the don’t believe the twitter narrative, has Dems at 85 percent to lose.

Give it the old college try, but lets acknowledge reality.

That’s kind of the point. They can’t win without a bunch of people that they flatly refuse to represent when they do win. It’s going to cost them this time I believe. And maybe lessons will finally be learned.

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Anyways, I know some people think I just want violence, but let’s go over some other options for pressuring Democrats.

We applauded demonstrations outside the homes of Supreme Court justices. What about doing the same outside the homes of eDems? What about harassing them when they try to go out to eat? Y’all thought Biden should go after Manchin’s daughter to apply pressure. What about trying to make everyday life difficult for the children and grandchildren of eDems as a way of applying pressure?

No way. If they lose they will not unreasonably blame inflation. It will be easy to pretend that they did a great job but oops inflation, nothing to be done about it.

Dems want to be caretakers of a well-oiled machine. They seem to have problems dealing with the unexpected, but lack the GOP willingness to do the insanely stupid.

This is what I meant with transactional voting. Their “strategy” is complete looney tunes and anathema to the fundamental nature of representational voting and observed human behavior. They’re counting on relatively weak forces (altruism, empathy) beating out strong forces (individuals acting in their own self interest, strong aversion to lying grifters) over long periods of time. The most surprising and depressing thing is that it has worked this long.


Their strategy is to try to maximize their appeal to the median voter.

I’m not donating to the Washington Generals no matter how much I want the Globetrotters to lose.


“The accord came in part because Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Biden agreed to seek and pass new legislation targeting permitting for pipelines and other infrastructure in the coming months, Manchin said.”

God I hope they renege on this once they pass this thing if it’s true.

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The Dems do a very good job of representing the Democratic Party, it’s just that this forum is on the left edge of the Party. At least the posters so disgusted that they don’t dramatically remake the country that they’re not going to vote.

In what sense? Do their leaders poll well with Dem party member? I really don’t know. But there has been data for a while suggesting that more liberal policies are much more popular with the public than either Dem or Republican voters will enact. How do you square that? Is there a subset of people that form that Democratic Party that are way to the right of the overall population?

Other policies, like cop hating and open borders, don’t poll so well. The articles you have seen in the past that LeFt PoliciEs Are pOpular were exercises in cherry picking.

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Right. If you want progressive policies then voting for Democrats doesnt further your goals. We agree.


The median voter thing has been debunked repeatedly, but I totally believe they want people to think that they think it matters as plausible deniability for only supporting center-right corporate horseshit. Meanwhile, they’re radio silent on stuff that is massively popular in polling. If you start with the correct assumption that they’re corporate sock puppet blow-up dolls that will never enact populist legislation, then every single thing they do makes sense.



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Yes we love us some open borders here on this message board! Millions of posts supporting it. :+1::+1:

i think it’s silly to lump progressive policies and voters into this tidy little caricature you’ve drawn up in your head. I’m fairly certain the views I hold on free markets, gun laws, and police would be starkly at odds of the tankies I now find myself aligned with. It really isn’t the way you imagine it is. progressive policies are popular because they’re desperately needed.

i mean the shit everyone already can agree on isn’t even considered radical leftism anywhere else in the civilized world. we live in a loony tunes episode.

You sound like a cop hater to me