LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

they’re not supposed to win anymore. that’s what sitting out does. they lose, everything goes much worse (honestly I dont think it changes much either way), we pray on a one outer for some major political revolution 20 years from now, if we have anything remotely resembling elections by then.

with the hand as played that’s basically all that’s left. the game has been lost. it was lost on election night 2016. probably well before then.

I mean this mostly has a joke but sometimes your posts make me nervous because I’m pretty sure my name is in your phone somewhere


If I lived in the US I would probably vote for the eDem dinosaurs as the lesser of two evils. However, if bugs me that an unstated assumption in a lot of these conversations is that the old Dem leadership team will run again no matter how unpopular they are and how much that puts democracy and women’s rights and black lives at risk, and they don’t seem to catch any criticism for that. These people are 80 years old for fucks sake, if the next election really is The Most Important Election Of Our Lives and these people are so unpopular that natural Dem voters won’t vote for them, why aren’t they being dragged over the coals for running again? There’s no law that says Biden has to run in 2024. There’s no law that says Pelosi can’t surrender the House leadership position to a more popular younger leader to stir up voter enthusiasm. While we’re piling on voters for not Voting Blue No Matter Who please spare a few moments to criticize 80 year old narcissists that can’t help themselves and cling to their offices 25 years past their best-by dates.


I still believe Biden was the only one that would’ve won in 2020. even shmucks like me held our noses, it’s not like anyone was truly in love with him that I ever ran into. all of my kno nothing E dem reliable voter people i follow are very fucking angry right now, I’m not unique.

my first choice probably woulda been warren or pete but they all kinda showed themselves to be pieces of crap in the primaries so i voted bernie.

There are ways to be disruptive without doing the things you’re worried about.

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I used to sound like this guy?!

Hint: they won two years ago and have done exactly not one thing to stop impending fascism. Zero laws about ethics or cementing norms, zero election laws, zero to deal with scotus. ZERO!


It cuts both ways. Voting is transactional. I give them the vote, they give me something in return in the form of public policy that I want. If they aren’t delivering policies I want–and actually doing things I don’t want like shielding Nazi judges and giving PPP loans to rich assholes–then there’s absolutely no reason for me to vote for them…

Except if they’re truly evil, they might dangle some vulnerable groups in front of me and say, “If you don’t vote for us again, these poor people are gonna get it,” hoping that my empathy and/or altruism will override getting scammed repeatedly. However, it’s a bold strategy, because I might instead correctly point out that they are scamming, hostage-taking pieces of shit that are responsible for this crisis and were never serious about saving hostages anyway.

So it would be really weird if they blamed me for killing the hostages when they hold the motherfucking gun and can shoot the bad guy right now. “We just need a few more guns. Can you chip in another $75?” No, and let’s not get confused here about whose hands the blood is on.


even if progressives turn out the vote for the inevitable slaughter later this year, they’ll be blamed ANYWAY, so it’s even more extra what the fuck is the point

Despite nominal control of Congress, Dems were in a weak spot with little political capital. They might have had two bullets in the chamber and decided to fire those at a COVID bill and second impeachment.

Now do Joe Biden and the kids in the cages.

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you should see the messaging they lob at poc, holy shit, it’s truly fucking despicable

If I made a list of priorities, I’m not sure if kids in cages would make the top ten.

Sure but that’s something that doesn’t rely at all on congress. What is the excuse for inaction there?

It has nothing to do with political capital. Joe and the rest of them don’t want to do it.


That might be true but 2024 will be very different than 2020. When you run as the incumbent then your own record gets examined. 2016 to 2020 exposed Trump as a terrible President and people were mad about the pandemic. Its pretty easy to run against that. But if Biden had to run today he’d be up against his own track record. Low info potential Dem voters are mad about inflation and the stock market. High info potential Dem voters are mad about Joe Manchin pushing Biden around and the failure of the eDems to pass essential legislation with both the executive and Congress.

All this might change by 2024 but boy oh boy they are in trouble if things don’t change. Scolding voters for their lack of support is not a winning strategy.

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The most insulting thing about all of this to me by a mile is Georgia delivering for these assholes in an epic and historic way that no sane person thought was more than the longest of long shots, and the Great Masters reward that performance by completely squandering it.


Do you really? 70’s kids beg to differ.

there’s a real political reckoning coming when the shameless HENRY’s like me who are really truly only getting very riled because they’re having to check their spending on avocado toast for the first time in a while realize that they aren’t HENRY’s at all, they’re actually HENR’s and we all got sold a raw deal.

it’s completely corrupt through and through. I’m on monkey tilt lately, can’t even open the newspapers I like anymore or my bp monitor starts alerting me

eta: i really have to work on my writing soon, it’s become ass

Stop listening to twitter narratives.

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I can see them making a calculation that the optics of being seen to prioritize immigration instead of concentrating on the economy would be bad for Democrats in elections. I could see them deciding to wait and see how Biden V Texas ended up before deciding on changes.

Biden also seems to prefer deferring to Congress whenever possible. He seems like the kind of person who would want to act in conjunction with passing an immigration bill.

Yet, it’s also true that unaccompanied minors are being held in higher quality facilities than under Trump and that the process for getting them to family is going faster, if not as fast as most would hope.

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go check my two twitters and see how many people i follow, I’m not on there at all, or anywhere else really, I read NYtimes sometimes, WSJ for economic data kind of stuff, john oliver, and CNN for general breaking news.

I’m low info compared to you guys but I see enough to make a conclusion.

I’m not going by any other metric other than how aggressively I’m being asked for money and time right now, and it’s a lot, clearly there is fear.