LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

President Manchin did finally issue his reconciliation bill at least “The Inflation Reduction act of 2022”. Should be bullish for fossil fuel providers.

Havent seen the bill yet but, perhaps, a chance for progressives to show some spine if it is bad on climate and kill the Manchin agenda. Supposedly some of the SALT or bust Dems are no votes if they dont get SALT put back in.

lol not reading that but is this another lucy with the football scenario?

Progressives can’t do much because they’re a minority within the party. Even if a lot of individual progressive positions seem popular, I’d argue that a progressive narrative is not close to being the majority view within the Democratic Party.

I think the behavior of eDems and progressives in Congress is dictated more by social and political structures than by the failings of individual politicians.

So the existing structures wont support progressive progress and, therefore, participating in the existing process is useless if you have progressive goals. I think I agree.

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I mean you say it right in your post but progressive ideas are very popular. People don’t identify as progressive because it has been demonized as communism or whatever by the DemE/CNN/MSNBC power structure. That’s kind of the entire point people are making. The Dem machinery is the foremost road block to actual progress.


The shortfall of this “shrug your view is not the majority so fuck off” approach is that eventually a bunch of us might actually fuck off.

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We’re not getting a peaceful change of existing structures and processes under Republicans.

People think I have a hard-on for civil war, but I don’t. I think of violence as a last resort. Republican victory leads to the sort of conditions where there may be no other option.

they aren’t even a minority though. the progressive caucus claims to have 100 members, of which omar is the whip. she either sucks at whip or is in on it if she can’t find half a dozen out of those to send the house into complete gridlock and hold e-dems to the fire.

it’d be a pyrrhic victory but it is an option that could get a response.

Yeah we just might be pretty fucked and headed to facism.

You seem to think that the gap between eDems and fascism is not wide enough for you to bother doing anything.


Well, yeah, because the current path is them doing zero to stop impending facism despite controlling government and despite Republicans being pretty open that 2022 is the last free and fair election. So the gap between eDems and facism seems close to, perhaps exactly, zero. Could argue its worth the hail mary chance to control government for two more years, but honestly think winning the House is like a 100-1 shot.

They are doing plenty to stop impending fascism by trying to win. Also, the majority of Republicans are not fascist, though it’s a risk if Trump is reelected.

I’ll believe it when it passes, but apparently Chuck told Mitch he wouldn’t do reconciliation during the corporate welfare bill so if he actually does do reconciliation now that will be pretty funny.

Also Josh Gottheimer are his band of shitweasel assholes will probably demand SALT or something and kill this even if it passes the senate

Is there even a single poc in this forum?

What is the mechanism by which Dems receive the message supposedly being sent by not voting in the general? If the progressive loses the primary to a conservative Dem, and the conservative Dem loses the general to an arch conservative Republican, and that happens on a wide scale, I would think the conclusion Dems draw - not illogically - is to run more conservative next time.

This would be a lot more coherent strategy if you were talking about organizing a visible movement of progressives to sit out the general. That could put eDems on notice. I personally wouldn’t support it because Republicans always entrench their power further every time they hold it, but at least it would have some logic to it beyond spite.

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This is where I am


Ok if this passes it is objectively very good.


If I wanted to push eDems, I would choose something much more disruptive than sitting out an election.

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evidence to back up that assertion:

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