LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I dont want to actively oppress people like you and am wildly frustrated that voting Dem has taken us closer to that occurance. You may not see it the same way, but I hope that clarifies the message.

We’ll see how it plays out, but I suspect that Dem turnout is going to suck as much or more from the underprivileged groups than from white males. White males lean way Republican.



So instead I have to vote for a bunch of fools who do nothing and ensure that nothing changes. Ok.

I think I would be a lot more cynical if the Democrats had 52 or 53 senators and were still getting nothing done.

Seeing all the awful shit the Trump appointed judges are doing to this country is enough motivation to bring me to the polls because if we get dozens more of these guys it will take more than decades to unwind the damages.

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What do you think about women and minorities who choose not to vote?

I’ve you’ve been paying attention to what’s gone on with judges in the last 30 years and think that voting Democrat might help, I’m not sure what to tell you.

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respectfully I don’t think this logically follows.

the response from even the “good” politicians i respected and trusted has been to keep voting, keep donating, keep volunteering. for what? more of this?

so I don’t see how it logically follows that me taking the one single action that may get any attention from these people (they’ll notice and react to polling and loss of $$$ very quickly) is working to oppress you? if anything I see it as the opposite. I don’t see how spending more of my time, energy, and money on maintaining an oppressive status quo is doing any favors for you at all, but I understand you probably believe that change will eventually happen under this party’s leadership. I do not.


I mean the party leadership actively works to prevent electing anybody that might actually work hard for change.


They had 59 senators and a trifecta and passed a GOP health care plan…


We’re at the point where elections seem to be a vote for democracy vs a vote for non-democracy…


this hasn’t been a secret even to Hillary bootlicker stans like me for forever. I just had probably naïvely thought that there was some overall strategy here other than personal enrichment and sucking the knobs of people who are actively working towards really truly reprehensible shit and that there was an adult behind the wheel, now it’s very obvious there isn’t anything more than we see.

I can’t think of anyone on this planet I hate more than Pelosi and I’m even including Trump.

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It’s really simple. Go backward or hold the line. I choose to hold the line. by throwing up your hands and letting the GOP win, you’re choosing to not only go backward, but to let those of us who choose to hold the line be overrun and beat down.

I understand that you want to leap forward. What I don’t understand is that when we’re at a stalemate and the leap doesn’t happen, you instead choose to just give up and go home.

Meanwhile, I have work to do. At least people in the real world who are ostensibly aligned with me are willing to fight.


the gop already won, sometimes you just have to fold a bad hand and look for another spot. sorry, I hope I am wrong, you know I am active , not as active as you, but I really can’t do it anymore. I respect what you do a lot and the fight you have, like a lot a lot, I just think it might be pointless anymore and we gotta have revolt within the party and/or a new party. this shit can’t keep going the way it is.

ironically the biggest source of despair for me has been the limp wristed (in my opinion) response to biden by the “progressive” wing. I really thought they’d have burned stuff to the ground by now.

Haven’t seen much line holding being done recently


I mean I wish the Easter Bunny was real too, but…

Vote Dems and go backwards less quickly than you would otherwise. #GoBackBetter2022


I disagree we are at a stalemate. That’s where the disconnect comes in. This isnt oh Obama lost the House and we need to win it back. The GOP is telegraphing they are going to end democracy with the courts blessing and the Dems last gasp effort is…vote more security for Brett Kavanaugh and vote for us to do more of it. Roe vs. Wade was overturned and they…left for vacation and sent fundraising emails, OK, guess wasnt that big of a deal.

Would rather just donate my time and money at the local food bank and not encourage the Vichy Dems. Hope to be proven wrong.


Progressives are generally too pacifistic and averse to collateral damage to burn things to the ground.

And January 6 looms large in their minds. Party in-fighting feels like a guaranteed loss when the stakes are high.

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I mean you can go back in my posting history and dunk on me pretty hard on the 180 i’m doing here, I’m not saying any of this publicly to demean anyone or try to oppress anyone, I truly believe this is reality, and I’ve fought very hard against coming to terms with this for 2 years now, and yet I can’t come to any other conclusion.

Like I talked to some of katie porter’s campaign several weeks ago, because she represents my district and I wanted to get active again, even though she doesn’t need it. I was the opposite of encouraged. there doesn’t seem to be any plan at all except retaining power. ask yourself why? is it to try to make people’s lives better? or maybe something else?

i remember very strongly feeling in 2020 that we were on the brink of total collapse. I still think we needed to elect any democrat over trump. any not voting takes seemed ridiculous when faced with that. but we’re close to the end game now, lol. Like even when I try to hold very reliable progressives accountable for stuff the response is “well they can’t do anything because ______.” well, fuck, maybe it’s time to find people who CAN do something.

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Seems like maybe the plan of lying to progressives and stabbing them in the back on BBB then doing nothing to address their concerns was a poor strategic choice by party leadership.

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That’s 14 refrigerators.