LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I guess you just vote for republicans in general elections, then

Turns out voting for centrist Democrats in general elections is also voting Republican, just on a slightly altered timeline.

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I am in a country with mandatory voting and itā€™s resulted in 75% of governments being conservative since 1901 and the most recent ā€˜centre leftā€™ (lol) one (only one in 25 years) having a legacy of expanding the imprisonment of asylum seekers (a system Trump would be proud of)! Tldr: waaf

Undefeated logic itt

I got brow beat into voting for Biden in the last election after realizing that itā€™s all pointless about 20 years ago. Iā€™m not making that mistake again. Fool me 10 times, shame onā€¦


You didnā€™t make a mistake. The reason you vote for Biden is he was the best option.

How much money does she need? I canā€™t fathom being that rich in my late 70ā€™s and still pulling off million dollar insider trading moves. Just put that in bonds or some shit and chill out and watch Columbo, your kids and grandkids will be fine.


Well normally when my options come down to a choice between a shit sandwich and a shittier shit sandwich, I choose to eat neither.

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Iā€™ll vote. Itā€™s trivially easy with mail in ballots. I wonā€™t vote for Biden though, or Diane Feinstein if sheā€™s still alive.

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Maybe Iā€™ll just write in microbet.


They simply donā€™t think that way. People like Pelosi will convince themselves that the Greatest Country On Earth is a capitalist paradise and investing her millions of dollars helps the economy and creates jobs and results in warm apple pies on the windowsill and amber waves of grain and hugs from Jesus. The fact that she herself goes from obscenely wealth to more obscenely wealthy is a nice side effect, I guess, those freezers full of ice cream wonā€™t pay for themselves.

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As a comfortable straight white dude I could never say something like ā€œthereā€™s no point in voting since itā€™ll turn out the same either wayā€ without sounding totally non-self-aware and privileged. We are literally the in-group Republicans are trying to protect with their bullshit, but apparently some of us canā€™t even deign to do the one concrete, quantifiable thing afforded to us to stop them.

I mean yā€™all do you, and maybe there are a lot more poc on this board than I realize, but thatā€™s just a really bad look on a white dude.


Iā€™ll show up and vote in any remotely competitive race. Iā€™m not going to vote for eDems in non competitive races.

I canā€™t vote in midterms.

The ballot I got in the mail in 2020 was both late and only contained the presidential election on it. Prior to getting it, I submitted an emergency ballot and manually wrote in the races that were being contested in my district along with my votes. I then checked the NYS board of elections to see if I could find my counted ballot and they couldnā€™t.

So yeah voting is essentially useless for people living abroad. Itā€™s the voter suppression that goes unheard because nobody cares about Americans who donā€™t live in America unless theyā€™re killing terrorists.

Vote for local stuff, try to primary any eDems you can imho.


Another option is to withhold all donations from the eDems and give the money to the occasional progressive that sneaks through a primary. The eDems basically donā€™t care about anything but money, this will piss them off way more than shaming them for refusing to fight for climate action, voting rights, womenā€™s rights, etc. etc. etc.

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Joe Biden is like 95% as bad as Trump on how immigrants are treated at the border. Heā€™s like 90% as bad on how police treat people of color. Heā€™s not trying to actively make it harder for people of color to vote, but he is actively opposing efforts to protect their vote by actively opposing filibuster reform.

So whatā€™s actually better for people of color in the long run? A 5-10% improvement for four years that blocks any real progress, or trying to tear down the establishment thatā€™s blocking progress so someone actually seeking change can get a shot, risking the full 100% bad?

I think rolling the dice is best at this point, but both sides are bleak.

Iā€™m not sure either. Iā€™m 100% sure that voting for EDems wonā€™t get us to where we want to be. It might buy a little more time I guess but that is about it.

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The only argument for it imo is buying more time for Boomers to die off and AOC types to break through in Congress and someone like her to break through for President, but thatā€™s a 10-20 year process and Iā€™m not sure itā€™s buying us that much time anymore.